Two One Voice victories for shimmering mountain birds, three hearings to come
Since this autumn, grey partridges, rock partridges, black grouse, hazel grouse and rock ptarmigans have been slaughtered. While the threat of their disappearance looms over these emblematic birds of the French mountains, we have learned of two victories for their preservation in the Haute-Savoie and the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence regions! Next hearings at the Council of State are this Friday, October 18 at 10:30 a.m., and on October 22 at 9:30 a.m. at the Nice court for the PACA region, and at 2:30 p.m. at the Montpellier court for the Pyrenees region.
In Provence, the judge in Marseilles recognized that this practice was detrimental to the conservation of 36 rock and “rochassière” partridges and 24 black grouse. Indeed, it cannot justify the extinction of animals who are on the IUCN red list. Similarly, in the Haute-Savoie region, the 177 black grouse and 6 rock partridges targeted will be able to live out this season in peace, since we have forced the federation to lay down its weapons. Rock ptarmigans, however, will not enjoy the same happy fate, as they can be killed for the sole pleasure of the false friends of biodiversity.
Hopes differ in the Occitanie region… While the detonations continue to be heard against our precious gallinaceans, the judges in Toulouse and Pau have rejected our appeal… Beyond the suffering and death inflicted on these birds, this means further reducing their numbers, which have already been declining for several years, due to climate change, intensive pastoralism and the regression of open environments in our massifs. In addition, in support of our partner the Comité écologique ariégeois, which won a victory for the rock ptarmigans that was contested by the hunters, we will be going to the Council of State this Friday at 10:30am!
The fight goes on this October 18 at the Council of State, then on October 22 at the Nice court at 9:30 am with FNE PACA and LPO PACA against the Alpes-Maritimes prefecture’s decree, and at the Montpellier court at 2:30 pm against the Pyrenees prefecture’s decision.