The Muller Circus in Vallauris: illegal set-up, a dumping ground, animals kept in despicable conditions...

The Muller Circus in Vallauris: illegal set-up, a dumping ground, animals kept in despicable conditions...

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Whistle-blowers have returned to Vallauris where the Mayor has succeeded in evacuating the Muller Circus, where the animals live imprisoned among tarmac and rubbish...

Since the beginning of October, the Muller Circus has been illegally set up in the town of Vallauris. Having disallowed shows with animals, the Mayor, Kevin Luciano, had refused to allow the lorries to set up. In a few days, the place had become, as always, a no-go area. Whistle-blowers went to the site. We are publishing the footage. At the same time, on 14 October, the Grasse Legal Tribunal issued a ruling for the circus to evacuate.

Between the lorries, cardboard and boards littered the ground. At the edge of the beach, large boxes with “Danger: animals” signs on them were washed up, leaving little doubt about where they came from… And in the middle of this pigsty, we found baboons locked up, minuscule cage-crates containing poor rats placed in a container… and Jumbo in a pool more and more resembling a rubbish truck. What can we say, finally, about the state of the tyres on his prison-trailer? They were as smooth as a baby’s skin. A miracle that a flat tyre had not already caused the lorry to go off the road.

To ensure the law be respected in the Vallauris town, Kevin Luciano filed a complaint against the Muller Circus set up in a car park in the town whose barrier they had forced. This time, the Grasse Tribunal ruled urgently and made an exemplary decision: removal of the circus by force. Remember that before having received the go-ahead from the committee delivering the lifetime competency certifications for Jumbo, the legal system had ruled for the hippopotamus to be seized, which was aborted due to the circus performers’ violence

And since leaving Vallauris, the Muller Circus has set up in Trans-en-Provence, needless to say on private land… We are starting to hope that a judge will end up deciding that the animals kept here should all be seized.

We have numerous complaints under way against this circus, the two latest of which were filed in August and October this year after them passing through Gap and Valbonne (where they performed just before going to Vallauris and lied to the Mayor). We are asking you once again to sign the petition to save Jumbo from the Muller Circus. We will stop at nothing for the animals being exploited by them.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

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