Say No to animal testing on Paris’ rats
Letter to Hidalgo: One Voice opposes animal testing on Paris rats for the goal is to eradicate its population. There are other solutions!
On 25th September 2017, a program will be potentially validated: it concerns the fight against rats and mice in the capital. Captures and experiments are on the program for small rodents in Paris whose reputation has never been good. One Voice opposes this and calls for the implementation of innovative and painless methods to put an end to violent practices on animals!
A plan of action against rodents and mice
On September 25th, a research and development agreement between the Paris City Hall and the VetAgro School must be voted for. At the request of the city, the Department of Wildlife and Sanitary Action (DFAS) of the Parisian Department of Environmental Health (SPSE) is putting together a plan of action against rodents and mice. Captures limited to rats will be made in two districts of Paris in order to test their resistance to anticoagulants and drastically reduce the rat population of Paris.
One Voice is against it!
At the announcement of a program where the experimentation of extremely powerful products is the key part, One Voice takes its pen to defend the cause of these little beings, victims of so many prejudices! We sent a letter to Mrs Hidalgo asking for the implementation of more respectful solutions, stating that the regulation on the reaping of wild animals in the wild is strictly regulated. In any case, they cannot be tested unless it is a scientifically proven necessity, which remains to be demonstrated for these rats!
The rats’ bad reputation:”vermin”
Unfortunately, there are many prejudices about rats. Too often seen as small “dirty”, “ugly” animals, rodents are additionally classified as “vermin“, a category created by humans and not to hinder human activities. The classification makes it possible to provide a legal framework for hunting and the eradication of certain species that have their place in nature and our ecosystem. And it is sometimes letting one’s imagination run free that man gets to work. As far as rats are concerned, the solution of anticoagulants is suggested to the Paris City Council. Allegedly less cruel, they cause symptoms of rare violence: pulmonary haemorrhages, intracranial or gastrointestinal, etc. The agony meanwhile, can last up to 7 days … Needless to say that the suffering is very real.
Rats, sentient animals
Studies in biology, neuroscience or ethnology show that rats are sensitive. In 2010, in Chicago, researchers highlighted the capacity of empathy in these small rodents. They observed the reactions of two rats: one free, the other locked up. Initially, no reward is planned and yet the free rat finds a way to save his companion by opening the cage. And when a piece of chocolate is available, the release of the companion remains a priority and the reward shared. Empathy is obvious and the intelligence of the animal is remarkable. Are there no other more painless methods to reduce the population of the Parisian rats?
Innovative and ecological alternatives
For we are not convinced of the expeditious methods mentioned in the plan against rodents and mice, we suggest three painless alternatives to Mrs. Hidalgo.
Some ultrasounds may have a contraceptive effect on male rats. Research has also been done on a so-called immune contraceptive vaccine. Its goal is to create a reproductive antigen. Finally, it is possible to turn to low dosage hormonal contraceptives, used on women for many years.
In fact, our association presents Paris’ authorities with three solutions, respecting the animals, the environment and responding to the request for the reduction of the rat population; a need when approaching the Olympics maybe?