Public consultation: say no to scaring brown bears in the Pyrenees!
One Voice is against a decree project from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition making bear scaring viable.
Following the partial cancellation of one of its previous laws, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition is about to take on a new decree perpetuating the scaring of brown bears in the Pyrenees. Along with One Voice, take advantage of the public consultation open until 21 April to denounce this unjust decision!
In 2022, we won numerous victories for brown bears in the Pyrenees. In August, we were successful in urgently suspending no less than nine prefectural decrees that intended to chase them with flash-balls and sting-ball grenades. An outburst of unheard-of violence of which the only aim was to achieve social peace with farmers… Then we obtained the cancellation of article 4 of the ministerial decree of 31 May 2021. The law, which set guidelines on the implementation of these scaring measures, did not make any plans to protect pregnant bears or those accompanied by their young from the most brutal techniques, which we immediately condemned.
New law, same violence
Yet, knowing that its decree of 20 June 2022 allowing scaring measures was similar to the one that was partially cancelled, the Ministry has tried to cover its back with a new draft law. This one specifically makes it clear that only OFB agents are authorised to carry out increased scaring operations and states that sound effect shots can only be used against female bears accompanied by cubs when ‘depredation’ (which includes the notion of damage) appears to be certain.
Risk of injuries, the young being separated from their mothers…
New decree or not, the State’s objective remains the same: to satisfy farmers to the detriment of wild animals. Victims of this policy, bears are exposed to auditory injuries, while female bears, stressed and exhausted by the harassment that they are subjected to, risk not reaching full term in their pregnancy or being separated from their young. Do we need a reminder that with scarcely 70 individuals in the Pyrenees, the brown bear population is still extremely fragile and must be rigorously protected? In view of the persecution that these animals suffer, it is absolutely necessary…
The French National Council for the Protection of Nature [Conseil national de la protection de la nature (CNPN)] was consulted and has already given an unfavourable view on the ministerial decree project.
We remain resolutely against scaring measures which terrorise the bears into their territory. From 31 March to 21 April inclusive, a public consultation is open. Rally with us and show your support for bears (make sure to follow the requested procedure, otherwise views are not taken into account). Thank you!
Translated from the French by Joely Justice