In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.

In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.

In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.
In the space of a month and a half, 1,579,793 animals were included in experimental projects in France.
Animal testing

The French government persists with remarkable constancy in giving its approval to projects that may be linked to research (fundamental and applied), or to regulatory and toxicological testing, causing the terrible suffering and death of many animals. Between June 5 and July 23, 1,579,793 of them were involved… We are calling for awareness to bring about a change in practices. For this, we need your help!

The transition to an animal-free science is overwhelmingly supported by the French (Ipsos/One Voice poll April 2023), by nearly 150 European scientists from 19 member states, by European elected representatives in 2010 and 2023, and by French parliamentarians.

Yet, in the space of a month and a half, 1,469,969 mice, 48,505 rats, 422 dogs, 336 cats, 91 monkeys, 71 horses, 2,128 pigs, 1,595 guinea pigs, 36,422 fish, 10,836 birds, seals, lizards, rabbits, marmots etc., will be experimented on and then, for almost all of them, killed because their condition will not allow them to be kept alive. This is the reality of animal experimentation in France: animals of all species are involved, and their numbers are not decreasing. 

For example, monkeys will undergo surgeries to implant electrodes in their brains delivering different intensities of electric current before inducing Parkinson’s syndrome, or total body irradiation accompanied by daily administration of drugs that cause gastro-intestinal disorders with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and digestive bleeding. All these projects involve severe pain.   

Dogs and cats will also be used for the administration of pharmaceutical substances, or the voluntary induction of nausea and vomiting with injections of products that can lead to respiratory depression, bradycardia and a drop in body temperature, or toxicological tests leading to the death of the animals. 

As for pigs, the vast majority undergo experiments generating severe pain: repeated heart attacks, spinal cord lesions preventing movement or urination and causing terrible suffering, implantation of deliberately infected aortic prostheses, destruction of bone marrow cells involving nausea, vomiting, headaches, septicemia and pain, cardio-respiratory arrests, interruption of arterial circulation, as well as being used in the training of professionals performing coelioscopies and other non-detailed surgeries.  

Finally, small herbivores, which are always the most exploited, represent around 96% of all animals tested during this period, or 1,521,939 individuals

Each project is classified into three levels of severity: mild, moderate and severe. When experimental procedures are classified as severe, animals are likely to experience intense pain, suffering or distress. Here are a few examples:  

  • 3,120 rats will undergo several surgeries to induce a severe ischemic stroke, and will be subjected to numerous behavioral tests. They will have great difficulty in moving, hydrating and feeding themselves, and will endure significant pain in the brain.
  • As part of a study on child abuse, 2,464 baby mice will be exposed to a number of experiments. To reproduce the “shaken baby” syndrome, they will undergo a shaking procedure, and to reproduce “maternal neglect”, they will be separated from their mothers for several hours a day.
  • 9,500 mice and 2,400 rats will be subjected to colitis induction. They will suffer severe pain and fall into prostration.  
  • 12,670 mice will be infected with bacteria, resulting in fever, weight loss and prostration, all of which will prove fatal.
  • Several hundred mice already lacking an immune system will be irradiated and then injected with human blood cells.  
  • 276 newborn mice will undergo brain surgery to implant electrodes and a head bar.
  • 1,100 young rats will endure numerous injections and surgeries, and will be plunged into status epilepticus for several hours. In another project, 1,332 mice will undergo 1 to 5 epileptic seizures a day.
  • Inducing a respiratory infection in 3,390 mice and not giving them any pain-relieving treatments, as this would “confound the evaluation of the efficacy of therapeutic strategies and the understanding of the associated inflammatory/immune mechanisms”.
  • 578 mice will be subjected to several injections and surgeries, leading to progressive paralysis and death.
  • As part of a study on depression, 1,500 mice will experience different types of stress on a daily basis for eight weeks, through various behavioral tests: olfactory, social, restraint and environmental stress, etc.  
  • 5,600 mice will undergo numerous injections, including tumor cell implantation, which will result in pain, loss of mobility and weight loss. 

Here are a few examples of projects of moderate severity

  • 119,170 mice will undergo ear, tail and/or blood sampling.
  • As part of a study on tuberculosis, 23,295 mice will be infected with the disease and then treated. In the acute form of the infection, they may suffer from weight loss, reduced general condition, prostration and alopecia.
  • Following a technical problem (material had not been delivered), some mice, having exceeded the age required for the project, were killed and replaced by others… to receive numerous injections and undergo a test designed to place them on a hot plate.
  • Before being euthanized, 2,500 mice will undergo an injection of cancer cells into the bladder, resulting in weight loss, prostration and an inability to urinate or eat. 
  • 1,136 mice will be subjected to tumor implantation and oral administration of fecal matter…

We therefore demand that laboratories systematically give priority to alternative methods when available, as required by law. We also encourage professionals to train in animal-free testing techniques. In addition, we urge our political representatives to support significantly increased funding for research into alternative methods. 

To put an end to these revolting methods, which have largely had its days, join us in calling for an end to animal experimentation, and write to the Minister of Higher Education and Research: download the standard letter.

Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees

Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees

Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees
Administrative fox beat hunts in the Indre-et-Loire department: One Voice attacks 12 prefectoral decrees

Between June 7 and July 9, 2024, the Prefect of Indre-et-Loire published 12 prefectoral decrees authorizing administrative fox beat hunts… several days after the operations. One Voice strongly condemns the harassment suffered by these animals and the illegal strategies employed by the State to prevent us from taking legal action. We are taking the decrees to the Orléans administrative court.

Killing foxes is one of the favorite activities of hunters, as they can indulge in it all year round and by any means, even the most cruel. And, as always, they can count on the State’s support to facilitate their hobby. Every year, they slaughter hundreds of thousands of foxes. And since rifle shooting is a bit monotonous, they also kill them as part of underground hunting, a horror we documented as part of our undercover investigation. As for the classification of foxes as ‘species likely to cause damage’ – which we attacked – it allows landowners to have them killed everywhere and (almost) all the time. 

But of course, all this is not enough for them: when all these possibilities are closed, there’s always the administrative beat hunts. After the Nièvre department, where we won our case in court, the prefect of Indre-et-Loire adopted no less than 12 decrees between June and July. While these decisions should be backed up by precise, detailed reasons, there’s nothing like that here. All in all, the State representative merely states that foxes are causing damage… As always, no data, no figures.

When the State hinders the action of associations

The scandal doesn’t stop there. As is often the case with administrative beat hunts, these orders were systematically published after the animals had been killed. It’s a strategy we’re all familiar with, designed to prevent any urgent challenge before the courts. So the animals have already been slaughtered by the time we can read about the orders. No harm seen, no harm done ! It’s high time we put a stop to these outrageous strategies.

As well as being valuable in their own right, foxes play a crucial role in the ecosystem, regulating populations of rodents and other small animals and limiting the spread of certain diseases. Their elimination jeopardizes fragile balances and has serious consequences for agriculture itself. Nothing will ever justify their being subjected to the vindictiveness of hunters.

For all these reasons, we are challenging the decisions of the Indre-et-Loire prefect. To speak up for foxes against those who want to eradicate them, sign our petitions to remove them from the ‘species likely to cause damage’ list and for a radical reform of hunting!

Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!

Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!

Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!
Underground hunting: in 2024, over 4,000 badgers already saved!

As in 2023, there’s a flurry of legal victories for badgers! Since the opening of the supplementary underground hunting periods on May 15, our appeals have led to the emergency suspension of this cruel hunt in no less than 13 departments, sparing more than 4,200 individuals. Meanwhile, little by little, the courts are definitively annulling the decrees adopted in 2023. With just a few days to go before the last hearings of the season, pressure has never been so strong on the State and hunters to put an end to this outdated practice!

Since the beginning of spring, thousands of individuals have been saved from the diggers’ shovels!

The latest victories: in the Eure-et-Loir, Haute-Vienne and Ille-et-Vilaine departments. While the diggers were preparing their shovels to track down and kill over 1,000 badgers (150, 700 and 200 respectively) for hours on end, our mobilization, with our partners ASPAS and AVES, once again bore fruit. The young badgers, only a few months old and just starting to emerge from their burrows, can now spend the summer in peace!

Despite their relentlessness, the authorities can no longer ignore the clear message from the courts. In the Cher department, after two successive rulings in our favor, the prefecture was about to thumb its nose at justice and the general interest and authorize the digging up of badgers again… but finally gave up, just a few days before the planned opening!

6 new supplementary periods from 2023 definitively declared illegal!

The fight against underground hunting is a real long-distance race. After emergency rulings suspending dozens of 2023 orders, the courts are gradually handing down their final rulings in all these cases. The results are final! Puy-de-Dôme, Corrèze, Rhône, Essonne, Morbihan, Côtes-d’Armor… between botched procedures and recognition of the illegal harm caused to young badgers by this outdated practice, the courts are cutting the hunters’ pseudo-arguments to shreds!

More than ever, these decisions highlight the total collusion between the hunting world and State departments. Special mention should be made of the Morbihan prefecture, which was sanctioned by the court for having allowed the hunters themselves to draw up the documents justifying the opening of the hunt… The bigger it is, the more it (no longer) is acceptable!

The next step in our fight is clear: to put an end to this illegal practice once and for all! To do this, support us by signing our petition for a radical reform of hunting, and for a pure and simple ban on underground hunting!


Upcoming hearings : 

  • Deux-Sèvres (with AVES, ASPAS, LPO, Deux-Sèvres Nature Environnement and Vétérinaires pour la Biodiversité): July 22 at 3pm at the Poitiers administrative court;
  • Cantal (with AVES, ASPAS and LPO Aura) and Puy-de-Dôme (with AVES, ASPAS, LPO Aura, FNE Puy-de-Dôme and FNE AURA): July 26 at 9:30 am at the administrative court in Clermont-Ferrand;
  • Creuse and Corrèze (with AVES and ASPAS): August 2 at 11:30 am at the Limoges administrative court.

Orders suspended for the 2024 season (average number of badgers killed in previous seasons)

Allier (350)

Ardennes (90)

Aube (230)

Aveyron (300)

Calvados (200)

Cher (300)

Côtes-d’Armor (500)

Eure (500)

Eure-et-Loir (150)

Finistère (200)

Ille-et-Vilaine (200)

Morbihan (500)

Haute-Vienne (700)

Animal experimentation: revelations behind the scenes at Strasbourg University’s SILABE laboratory

Animal experimentation: revelations behind the scenes at Strasbourg University’s SILABE laboratory

Animal experimentation: revelations behind the scenes at Strasbourg University’s SILABE laboratory
Animal experimentation: revelations behind the scenes at Strasbourg University’s SILABE laboratory
Animal testing

After months of repeated requests, we have finally obtained dozens of documents concerning the monkeys used in animal experimentation at Strasbourg University’s SILABE laboratory. From inspection reports by the prefecture to individual follow-up sheets, they all provide a clear picture of the suffering life of the exploited macaques, from birth to death.

Injuries, illnesses, etc. In addition to experimentation, a life of suffering

For the macaques “housed” in this center, existence seems to be nothing but a succession of sufferings, between the experiments they undergo and detention conditions unworthy of their most basic needs. The list of horrors endured is long, but the follow-up sheets to which we have had access give a glimpse of these lives of exploitation.

We think of Pêcheresse, who underwent an “endometrial biopsy by curettage through the cervix”, whose “vagina [was] pierced” with a “large curette”. Of Basilic, who himself removed the implant fixed in his skull, a reaction indicative of the extreme stress and pain he was experiencing. Archimedes, meanwhile, had his tail partially amputated due to a bite, then, later, completely amputated due to the cold.

Necroses appear for no apparent reason, accompanied by wounds, contusions, dislocations and fractures, sometimes leading to the death of the animals, always to unspeakable suffering. And that’s not all: salmonella or E. Coli infections are frequent, an inevitable consequence of the conditions in which the animals are kept. We’re a long way from the image of the irreproachable laboratory, with its well-monitored tests and reliable results… even further from SILABE’s communication boasting its respect for the animals it exploits for a lot of money.

Although the causes of death are often very imprecise – as noted in a 2021 inspection report – they are nonetheless eloquent: there are those who die “euthanized for scientific reasons”, during experiments, and the very many others who succumb due to a “significant deterioration in general condition”, when they simply no longer have the strength to live.

SILABE and macaques: the story of a highly lucrative business

As we have already revealed, SILABE is a veritable hub for the trade in macaques intended for experimentation. The data we collected confirms this: for long-tailed macaques (Fascicularis) alone, of the 2014 individuals that passed through the center between 1995 and 2024, more than half (1195) were transferred. A life spent being shipped from laboratory to laboratory to suffer atrocities…

Many of these monkeys come from Mauritius, where their capture and breeding conditions are unspeakably violent, and what’s more, illegal, as our investigation has revealed. Once in France, they are subjected to veritable ordeals of torture, at SILABE and all the other centers that buy them from it, such as NeuroSpin, where serial negligence has led to the death of many animals in great suffering. And this despite the fact that alternatives exist and are largely underfunded.

While the fight is progressing, as illustrated by Air France’s commitment to no longer transport imported monkeys to experimentation centers (a commitment we obtained with our partners), it remains more necessary than ever to maintain the pressure to demand that the authorities ban the use of long-tailed macaques. Sign the petition and appeal to the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to demand an end to animal experimentation and the adoption of alternative methods: download the standard letter.

To carry out even more tests on monkeys, the State is providing 30 million euros to build a National Primatology Center in France.

To carry out even more tests on monkeys, the State is providing 30 million euros to build a National Primatology Center in France.

To carry out even more tests on monkeys, the State is providing 30 million euros to build a National Primatology Center in France.
To carry out even more tests on monkeys, the State is providing 30 million euros to build a National Primatology Center in France.
Animal testing

On June 27, the CNRS launched a call for tenders to expand its site and build a national primatology center in Rousset, Bouches-du-Rhône. The project, estimated to cost over 30 million euros, will be paid for by our taxes. Faced with funding that is always to the detriment of animals, together with our partners Action for Primates, Abolición Vivisección, Peta and Cheshire Animal Rights, we are calling on the French government and asking the public to join us in doing so.

In its call for tenders, the CNRS wants to increase “primate production” to meet the needs of national academic research. It states that the State has classified macaques as a “strategic resource”: this is how these sensitive, intelligent beings are considered…

The CNRS persists: we revealed a few months ago that the State had already spent 10 million euros on the purchase of 500 female macaques. As if importing hundreds of macaques condemned to undergo all kinds of tests or remain locked up for life wasn’t enough, now a new primate breeding and experimentation center is to be built in France. This project is clear proof that the demand for animals for testing is not diminishing, and that the legal obligation to respect the 3Rs (reduce, replace and limit animal suffering) is not being respected by our institutions. The macaques will be condemned to a life of captivity, boredom, fear and painful experimentation.

Funding at the expense of alternative methods

When it comes to imposing trepanning, injections and various types of sampling on more than 3,500 primates every year, the public authorities are always on hand. However, when it comes to funding alternative, animal-free methods, it’s a completely different story. Since 2021, FC3R funding has not even reached one million euros. And yet, in 2023, three quarters of French people were opposed to animal experimentation

We therefore urge political representatives to support increased funding for research into these methods. We also call on laboratories to systematically favor available alternative methods, as required by law, and on professionals to train in animal-free testing.

Call to action: we must act now!

We are contacting the CNRS to request information on this project and demand greater transparency. To put an end to these cruel and outdated practices, join us in demanding an end to the use of macaques in laboratories by signing our petition, and you too can write to the authorities!

Download the letter to the Minister of Higher Education and Research.

Download the letter to the CNRS.

On Twitter (copy and paste the following text):

@sretailleau, @CNRS: with @onevoiceanimal, @Action4Primates, @StopCamarles, @peta and #CheshireAnimalRights, I refuse to let my taxes fund a new primate farm for #AnimalExperimentation. #LaboMonkeys

Furriers’ union condemned for attacks on the brand ELLE, supported by One Voice

Furriers’ union condemned for attacks on the brand ELLE, supported by One Voice

Furriers’ union condemned for attacks on the brand ELLE, supported by One Voice
Furriers’ union condemned for attacks on the brand ELLE, supported by One Voice

The Lagardère Media News group and its exclusive licensee in France, CMI Digital, were sued for denigration by the French Fur Trade Federation (FFMF) for ELLE magazine’s decision to renounce fur, denounced as a source of suffering for animals. As soon as we learned of this abusive complaint, we lent our support to the group in the face of the furriers’ attempts to muzzle animal defenders and their supporters. Given our fight for the victims of fashion and our commitment to freedom of expression, it was only natural that we should stand by the group during this trial. On May 22, the court in Nanterre ruled in our favor!

The FFMF has suffered a major setback in court. Believing itself all-powerful, to the point of thinking it could attack freedom of expression, and more particularly freedom of the press, with impunity, the lobby was severely put in its place: all its claims, deemed abusive, were rejected. And our voluntary intervention in the case was accepted as fully admissible.

Justice recognizes the link between fur and cruelty

The court in Nanterre ruled that ELLE International’s statement that it wanted to « reject cruelty to animals » by renouncing fur was « measured and devoid of malice ». The court went on to add that « the use of animal fur is the subject of several debates that [the FFMF] cannot ignore » and that « the disputed comments were supported by a more than sufficient factual basis ».

We welcome this decision, which sends out a strong signal in favor of fashion victims and their defenders. In the face of censorship, we will continue to stand by the press, especially those media who dare to speak out about the pain of exploited animals, and who rely on our revelations to do so. Our solidarity in the fight for their freedom of expression is absolute!

Public opinion is with us

In France, our investigations and awareness-raising work contributed to the ban on the production of fur from wild animals, made permanent by the November 2021 law against animal mistreatment. And thanks to the work of the Fur Free Alliance (FFA), of which we are the French representative, and its partners at Eurogroup for Animals, the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Fur Free Europe has been signed by over 1,500,000 citizens. All are calling for a ban on the production, import and sale of fur within the European Union.

Here, alongside our European partners, but also in China, Russia and North America, we will continue to call for an end to this cruel practice and defend the right to information about it.

We’re going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany

We’re going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany

We’re going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany 15.07.2024
We’re going back to court for 16,000 jackdaws targeted in Brittany Hunting

In the Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor departments, 16,000 jackdaws are at risk of being culled in the coming months. Despite their protection at European and national level. Once again, we are attacking these decrees!

Jackdaws shot by the thousands: a protected species, really?

In the middle of the nesting season, even though the young have just been born and are still in their nests, hunters will be able to shoot thousands of jackdaws in the coming weeks. Even though all the studies show that culling is not an effective solution to the damage attributed to them. In fact, in the neighboring department of Morbihan, our unfailing commitment has led to a drastic reduction in the number of birds targeted.

Mass culling, a policy that doesn’t work

Cruel and ineffective: that’s how to describe the actions of the prefects of the Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor departments. Besides, they themselves admit that last year’s mass culls had no effect. Perhaps they should have listened to us, as we keep repeating: all scientific studies show that killing birds has no impact on reducing crop damage, either at plot level or at departmental level.

Basically, it’s all about appeasing farmers at little cost, since the lives of animals, even protected ones, are obviously of no value to the prefects. All the while knowing full well that the measures implemented will not work. One more tartuffery!

Shooting protected birds when other solutions exist: no!

There are a thousand ways of preventing birds from feeding in the fields, but none of them have been seriously studied. In the Finistère department, the prefect limits himself to pointing out that they would be too long and complex. Obstructing chimneys, where these birds like to nest, too long and too complex? It’s the last straw, given the ease with which thousands of protected birds can be slaughtered…

In 2022, our appeals saved almost 27,000 birds in extremis. Although last year the courts refused to suspend these decisions as a matter of urgency, our actions have nonetheless made it possible, year after year, to significantly reduce quotas. We are therefore once again taking legal action against the decrees issued by the prefects of the Finistère and Côtes-d’Armor departments!

One Voice files a complaint for two snakes exhibited by a dancer from one party to the next

One Voice files a complaint for two snakes exhibited by a dancer from one party to the next

One Voice files a complaint for two snakes exhibited by a dancer from one party to the next
One Voice files a complaint for two snakes exhibited by a dancer from one party to the next

The “jungle” parties come one after the other, and each one looks dismally similar. On Saturday June 15, the Le Maho nightclub in Ancenis-Saint-Géréon, Loire-Atlantique, allowed a trainer to display two snakes on a dance floor, under blinding spotlights. This was a totally illegal act, but she is no stranger to it. We have lodged a complaint against her and her company, as well as against two establishments that have recently used her services. And we demand that the animals be seized!

An animal who seemed “distraught at times”: that’s what this whistle-blower was surprised to discover when she went to the “jungle” party organized by Le Maho nightclub last month. There, between two fire breather acts, she saw a dancer strutting before the crowd with a snake. In fact, there wasn’t one, but two. And when she wasn’t presenting them in turn coiled around her or resting on her shoulders, she was even brandishing them above her head while spinning around. This was enough to completely disorientate animals already exposed to the lights and vibrations emitted by a drunken crowd.

An illegal exploitation that never stopped

These “shows”, in addition to being cruel, have been totally illegal since the November 2021 anti-maltreatment law prohibits the presentation of animals in nightclubs. A text that doesn’t seem to concern the owner of the two reptiles: on her Instagram account, we can see that since 2015, she has never stopped exploiting animals in festive environments that are anything but natural for them. 

And nightclub managers are making the most of it. Last February, it was the New Vegas Club in La-Croix-en-Touraine that welcomed her. And it makes no secret of it: on its Facebook page, photos show that the two snakes were twiddled all evening long. Carried by party-goers or placed on their shoulders, they were touched by no less than thirty people. We can only imagine the stress they must have felt in such an overexcited atmosphere, where an accident could have happened at any moment… 

In November 2023, we had already lodged a complaint for a python and a cockatoo who had been photographed and handled by night owls at a discotheque in Perpignan. This time again, we’re defending animals treated as commonplace objects of entertainment. We are filing a complaint against the owner of the snakes, her company and the establishments Le Maho and The New Vegas Show. And we demand that the animals be seized and entrusted to us, so that they can finally be placed in an environment that respects their needs.

Underground badger hunting: 10 new victories and more hearings to come!

Underground badger hunting: 10 new victories and more hearings to come!

Underground badger hunting: 10 new victories and more hearings to come!
Underground badger hunting: 10 new victories and more hearings to come!

In the Cher, Loir-et-Cher, Eure-et-Loir, Loiret, Allier, Finistère, Corrèze, Calvados, Aube and Charente-Maritime departments, the courts have sided with the animals by cancelling or suspending the supplementary periods for underground venery set by the prefectures. Cornered in their burrows and seized by metal pliers before being finished off, the badgers who fall victim to this cruel practice are living a hellish existence, to which the courts are now objecting, all the more so as the young badgers, who are only a few months old at this time of year, are endangered and often illegally killed. On the strength of these court rulings, which protect animals in accordance with the law, we are announcing new hearings!

After suspension, orders definitively canceled

In 2023, we had 80% of the decrees allowing badgers to be hunted in their burrows from May to September, in addition to the rest of the year, suspended as a matter of urgency. Thanks to our legal action, more than 4,000 badgers were saved and were able to raise their young without fear. But we still had to obtain the annulment of these texts. This has now been achieved in the Loir-et-Cher, Eure-et-Loir and Loiret departments, where the Orléans administrative court ruled in our favor on June 20. At the same time, it also annulled the supplementary period authorized in the Cher department, this time in 2024, after it had been suspended!

In these four departments, the judges once again stressed that hunters’ practices were endangering young badgers, who are still vulnerable at this time of year and protected by law. They also pointed out that the prefecture had not provided sufficient evidence of the damage allegedly caused by these animals. And in the Finistère department, the decree authorizing a supplementary period of underground hunting for 2024 was annulled by the Rennes administrative court on July 5 for lack of a sufficient presentation note. So, permits to kill are handed out lightly…

Finally, on July 11, the Limoges administrative court also handed down its decision, annulling the 2023 decree by which the Corrèze prefect had set a supplementary period of underground hunting from June 15 to September 14, 2023.

With each new attempt by the State, we continue to attack in a hurry!

Wherever hunters insist on tormenting badgers all summer long, despite the illegality of the practice, we are there! That’s what we did when we joined forces with AVES and ASPAS to challenge the decree issued by the Charente-Maritime prefecture authorizing the digging up of badgers from June 1 to September 7. On July 1, the Poitiers administrative court suspended the order. Having heard our arguments, the judges insisted on the fact that the young were still far from being emancipated when they were weaned, and depended on their parents until the end of their first autumn. Killing their parents and destroying their burrows therefore put them in direct danger.

In the Allier department, the Clermont-Ferrand administrative court also suspended the decree issued on May 23, 2024 authorizing the digging up of badgers from July 1 to the general opening of the hunting season. This decision, handed down on July 5, also stressed that the supplementary period was “likely to harm young badgers who were not yet emancipated and the badger population in general”.

And thanks to the decision we obtained hand in hand with AVES and ASPAS from the Caen administrative court on July 10, badgers in the Calvados department, targeted by underground hunters since June 15, will once again be safe until September. Finally, on July 11, the administrative court of Châlons-en-Champagne also suspended the supplementary period of underground hunting that was underway in the Aube department.

Some courts still ignore the law

In the Mayenne and the Loire-Atlantique departments, the Nantes administrative court has remained deaf to our arguments. On July 1, it announced that it was rejecting our requests for suspension.

The same thing happened in the Ille-et-Vilaine department, where the court refused to annul the prefectural decree of January 2023 on the grounds that badgers had been observed during the counts… And this despite the fact that the French National Hunting and Wildlife Commission (ONCFS), which has since become the French Biodiversity Commission (OFB), considers that counting is not a reliable method for estimating the conservation status of their populations… 

In the Ardennes department, the administrative court of Châlons-en-Champagne also rejected the request for suspension that we had formulated alongside AVES and ASPAS concerning a supplementary period of underground hunting from June 1 to September 14. Delivered on July 8, its decision is surprising, to say the least: the judges have authorized hunters to kill badgers… with the exception of female badgers and any animal weighing less than 8 kilos. Are we to understand that they expect hunters to go into the forest with scales and weigh each individual before deciding whether to kill them or release them back into the ruins of their burrow? As underground hunters are never checked, they alone will decide how to proceed…

More hearings to come

We’re not stopping there. On July 11, we were present at the Orléans administrative court, alongside AVES and ASPAS, to seek an emergency suspension of the digging in the Eure-et-Loir department, as we had already succeeded in doing last year.

On July 15, at 11:20 a.m., we’ll be making the same request to the Limoges administrative court concerning the authorized stalking from June 15 to September 14 in the Haute-Vienne department. We’ll also be defending badgers on July 22 at 3pm, at the Poitiers administrative court for the Deux-Sèvres department, and finally on August 2 at 11:30am at the Limoges administrative court for the Creuse and Corrèze departments.

To support us in our fight for badgers, ask for a ban on underground hunting by signing our petition.

Photo : Nicolas Bazerque

Beaten dogs about to be returned to their torturer, or when the authorities don’t care about animals

Beaten dogs about to be returned to their torturer, or when the authorities don’t care about animals

Beaten dogs about to be returned to their torturer, or when the authorities don’t care about animals
Beaten dogs about to be returned to their torturer, or when the authorities don’t care about animals
Zoe Cell

Gard, May 29, 2024. The Nîmes SPA is entrusted with the care of Pepa, 7 months old, and Kailye, 7 years old. The two staffies had been taken from their owner a few hours earlier, due to severe mistreatment filmed the day before. A complaint was lodged immediately. Today, however, the Calvisson police are demanding that the Nîmes SPA return them, even though an investigation is underway. We have filed a complaint and urge the courts to confiscate the dogs permanently.

It was the video recorded by a neighbor that saved Pepa, victim of a violent rampage last May. Alerted, the police went to the scene and removed two terrorized dogs from the home, taking them to the SPA in Nîmes for safekeeping.

On the spot, the perpetrator explained that this was not a case of mistreatment, but of “correction”, as Pepa had nibbled on the electric wires of the gate. There is no justification for such acts against an animal, even less so under the pretext of training.

Taken to the vet, the physical injuries are fortunately minor, but the psychological trauma is immense. Both dogs are very fearful, especially of men. For over a month, Pepa and Kailye have been cared for and pampered by shelter staff, and are slowly regaining their confidence.

But today, surprise: a call from the Calvisson police station to the SPA indicates that they must be returned. In fact, they belong to the defendant’s girlfriend, who lives with him. It doesn’t matter to the authorities that the two canine victims will be returning to the same house as their tormentor. If you had any doubts, this is further proof that animals are treated like objects: property rights take precedence over their protection. Admittedly, this woman is not the perpetrator of the blows, and yes, the animals are identified in her name, but how can it be acceptable to send them back to the home of the man who tyrannizes them until the case has been judged?

For Pepa and Kailye, we are filing a complaint. We’re asking for them to be permanently confiscated, so that they can never be beaten again. Sign our petition so that our companions can finally benefit from effective penal protection.