Four lionesses and a tigress locked in a circus trailer: Free Life and One Voice take legal action

Four lionesses and a tigress locked in a circus trailer: Free Life and One Voice take legal action

Four lionesses and a tigress locked in a circus trailer: Free Life and One Voice take legal action
Four lionesses and a tigress locked in a circus trailer: Free Life and One Voice take legal action

In January 2023, in the Allier region, we investigated the conditions in which the animals exploited by the Ricardo Zavatta circus were kept. The lionesses and a tigress were vegetating in an empty trailer from which they never left, deprived of everything. Illegal acts and a source of great suffering for these felines. With our partner Free Life, we immediately filed a complaint against the Gougeon brothers. On Thursday November 14, at 9 a.m., we’ll face them at the Bourges legal tribunal.

At the start of 2023, we spent six days investigating the Ricardo Zavatta circus when it was in the Allier region. We discovered four lionesses and a white tigress with skin problems, all penned in a trailer. Like the tigers we rescued from Mario Masson’s clutches after nearly two years of investigation, they had no access to the outside world at any time, forced to turn round and round endlessly to survive the intense stress of confinement. What about the “relaxation” park where they should be able to relieve their numb limbs for at least four hours a day? In almost a week, the circus owners have not installed it once, in flagrant violation of regulations. Other shortcomings: the felines were not provided with scratching posts or facilities for climbing to heights or bathing. Nothing to help them out of their suffering, to the point where they were reduced to trying to scratch the bars… On their behalf, we filed a complaint with our partner Free Life

Control and seizure finally organized…

Unsurprisingly, the trainers left the region after we took legal action. It wasn’t until June 2023, when the Gougeon brothers had set up illegally in the town of Santranges, in the Cher region, that the French Biodiversity Agency inspected the circus. The inspectors found everything we had been denouncing for the past six months. Not only did the animals still have no access to the outside world, but some were not even identified, leaving the door open to all kinds of trafficking… A rare event: the lionesses and the tigress were finally seized by the authorities and placed in a refuge.

…while other animals are still going through hell

How long have they been suffering like this, trapped alive? The passing of the November 2021 law failed miserably to put an end to the ordeal of animals exploited by trainers. The breeding of wild animals, which was supposed to have been banned on December 1, 2023, is going as well as ever, and the authorities are turning a blind eye to our efforts to ensure that Samba and Jumbo are placed in a sanctuary before they die, like Dumba, or are sent abroad to places to die, like Baby. We will not abandon them in the face of these laws, which are systematically flouted without any reaction from the authorities!

On November 14, at 9 a.m., we’ll be at the Bourges legal tribunal to speak out on behalf of the four lionesses and the tigress mistreated by the Gougeon brothers. We demand that they be definitively confiscated and that they be given the right to retire in an environment that respects their needs.

Council of State hearing on November 8 for circus animals

Council of State hearing on November 8 for circus animals

Council of State hearing on November 8 for circus animals
Paris, France
Council of State hearing on November 8 for circus animals
Exploitation for shows

Itinerant or not, circuses exploiting animals impose on them a life of violence and despair. Yet French law considers that spending one’s life behind bars and under the threat of the whip is tolerable under certain conditions, when the prison is fixed. In this respect, we have submitted a priority preliminary ruling on the issue of constitutionality to the Council of State. Tomorrow, November 8 at 2pm, it will decide whether it should be referred to the Constitutional Council.

The law of November 30, 2021 could have put a definitive end to the exploitation of wild animals in circuses, as is already the case in many countries. Instead, the law makes an aberrant distinction: it bans the use of wild animals in traveling circuses from 2028 onwards, presenting this as a major step forward, while allowing permanent circuses to continue. A crucial distinction. And fatal to all the felines, elephants, monkeys, etc., locked up in circus tents.

Permanent or travelling circuses: equal suffering for animals

This same law also announced in article 46 that “foster solutions for animals are offered to their owners. These solutions guarantee that the animals will be taken in under conditions that ensure their well-being.”

Yet our leaders seem absolutely determined to change their aims. The 800 or so wild animals in circuses are not likely to be left in peace anytime soon. Last year, the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion itself proposed the sedentarization of itinerant establishments – a heresy we’d been denouncing for months – through the decree of July 3, 2023 “making equivalent the certificates of capacity for presentation to the public of animals of non-domestic species within itinerant establishments and the certificates of capacity for presentation to the public of animals of non-domestic species within fixed establishments”. In short, circus performers are being offered the chance to “retrain”. Once the cage-trucks are safely parked, confinement and violent training can continue. As for the retirement of animals and their placement in sanctuaries, we can forget about it!

We challenged this decree immediately after its publication last year. As part of this request, we are drawing attention to the distinction between permanent and itinerant establishments, and have filed a priority question of constitutionality. A hearing will take place tomorrow, November 8 at 2pm at the Council of State, which will decide whether it should be forwarded to the Constitutional Council for analysis.

Join us in calling for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses.

Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses. Sign for a ban on the exploitation of animals in circuses.

Incitement to poach wolves: legal power struggle with Coordination Rurale 87

Incitement to poach wolves: legal power struggle with Coordination Rurale 87

Incitement to poach wolves: legal power struggle with Coordination Rurale 87
Incitement to poach wolves: legal power struggle with Coordination Rurale 87

Last July, the Coordination Rurale de Haute-Vienne (CR 87) syndicate published a communiqué and posters on its website inciting hunters and farmers to illegally cull wolves. Almost three months later, the incitements to hatred are still online. We take the agricultural union to court. Hearing at the Limoges judicial court on November 6 at 2:00 pm.

1,000€ bounty to anyone who brings back a dead wolf”, proclaimed the Coordination rurale de Haute-Vienne syndicate online – via posters and press release – on July 26, 2024. We immediately sent a formal notice by a bailiff to the union, so that they would stop calling to poaching, reminding them of the law and confirming that we would lodge a complaint against them and the poachers if a wolf was illegally killed in the region.

Although we never received a reply, we did learn through the media that our letter had been received:

I received the summons this morning (Thursday August 1). They’re warning us, but there’s nothing more they can do. As far as we’re concerned, we’re not going to take down our posters”, boasted Thomas Hégarty, President of the CR 87, to the press. And so, the CR 87 sticks to its guns, demonstrating that it has no hesitation in officially flouting the law to persecute wolves.

In order to defend these wonderful animals, who should have their place in nature, and because we can’t let the agricultural lobby go after them in defiance of regulations and in the name of the sacrosanct “protection of livestock farming” (need we remind them that farmers supposedly devastated by the death of their ewes are not traumatized when it comes to sending them to the slaughterhouse?), we have taken the Coordination Rurale de Haute-Vienne to court. Rendezvous at the Limoges legal tribunal on November 6 at 2:00 pm.

Support our fight for the wolves, who only want to live in peace: sign our petition.

CNRS project: a national primatology center to “produce” half of the macaques destined for French laboratories

CNRS project: a national primatology center to “produce” half of the macaques destined for French laboratories

CNRS project: a national primatology center to “produce” half of the macaques destined for French laboratories
Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur
CNRS project: a national primatology center to “produce” half of the macaques destined for French laboratories
Animal testing

Already this summer, One Voice revealed that the current Rousset primatology station would be transformed into a national primatology center at taxpayers’ expense, to the tune of 30 million euros. The center is now looking for a director with proven project management experience to ensure its success. The aim is to “produce 40% of French academic research needs in cynomolgus macaques”.

To combat this project, which is totally at odds with the European Directive that calls for a reduction in the number of animals used in experiments, One Voice has set up a working group made up of various experts, including primatologists and veterinarians.

After having spent 10 million euros to import 500 Mauritian female monkeys for the CNRS, the French government is doing it again with the creation of this national-scale experimentation laboratory.

The emerging project seems to have a sad fate in store for the monkeys of the national primatology center.

In order to learn more about the fate that awaits them, One Voice has taken the lead and is requesting all documents concerning the monkeys, to ensure greater transparency on this project.

CNRS guarantees French leadership in primate experimentation

If there’s one area in which France excels, it’s animal testing. Since 2020, our country has used more than half of all monkeys registered in Europe for testing. Although three quarters of French people remain firmly opposed to animal experimentation, the CNRS is delighted to be able to eventually breed 40% of the crab-eating macaques used for testing in France. 

This means almost tripling its monkey capacity, from the current 600 to 1,740. And let’s not forget that, once the procedures have been completed, the animals are generally slaughtered, making way for new sufferers.

Crab-eating macaques, an endangered species

These little monkeys are the sad favorites of the pharmaceutical industry. They even have the right to the little name of “cynomolgus macaques” in this field.

However, they have been classified as an “endangered” species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species since 2022. Despite alarming signals, they continue to be the most widely used primate species for testing. Rather than changing its practices and becoming a leader in alternatives to animal testing, France is maintaining its course of action.

The Covid-19 epidemic has unfortunately put the spotlight on these monkeys, which have fallen prey to the biomedical industry. If nothing is done, their population could be halved within the next forty years. 

We must continue to stand up for the victims of these painful procedures!

As we await a transparent response to the projects in question, we’re counting on you to help us put an end to these cruel and outdated practices. Keep writing to the authorities, calling on the Minister and the CNRS!

And join us in calling for an end to the use of macaques in laboratories by signing our petition.

Download the letter to the Minister of Higher Education and Research.

Download the letter to the CNRS.

Authorized shooting of wolves around an unprotected herd of cattle: One Voice takes the case to court

Authorized shooting of wolves around an unprotected herd of cattle: One Voice takes the case to court

Authorized shooting of wolves around an unprotected herd of cattle: One Voice takes the case to court
Authorized shooting of wolves around an unprotected herd of cattle: One Voice takes the case to court

On October 11, the Prefect of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region authorized a cattle farmer to implement simple defense shots on wolves. In the villages of Le Vernet, Méolans-Revel, Selonnet and Seyne, they are the target of rifles day and night. And this without any proof of the supposed “non-protectability” of the herd. On Tuesday November 5, at 2pm, we will be asking the Marseille Administrative Court for an emergency suspension of this totally illegal order.

In France, anything goes to kill as many wolves as possible. Like considering cattle herds “unprotectable”, knowingly making these animals easy prey, a veritable trap for the wolves themselves. The prefect of the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence region has aligned himself with this incoherent and deadly position of the public services, by granting a simple defense shooting authorization to a farmer in the north of the region.

A text that respects neither animals nor regulations

In his hostility to nature, has the prefect even carried out the technical and economic analysis that must be sent to the prefect coordinating the national wolf action plan before making such a decision? Has the latter issued an opinion recognizing the impossibility to protect the herd? Since the shooting authorization was granted to the beneficiary on the very day of his request, it is unlikely that the slightest action was taken… Worse still, in his decree, the prefect washes his hands of the obligation to demonstrate the so-called “non-protectability” of the cattle herds, taking it upon himself to assert that there is no way of ensuring their safety. An easy solution that goes against the rules, will not stem predation on cows and their young, and will decimate wolf families, whose bereaved members may move a few kilometers to feed on other farms no better protected.

In the Doubs region, the court has already ruled in our favor.

Last June, the Besançon administrative court sided with us, annulling a similar decree that we had challenged in concert with the Pôle Grands Prédateurs and FERUS. Once again, we call the state services to order: cows cannot be declared “unprotectable” simply because they are cows! To ensure that this truth is recognized (however absurd the reminder may be), the regulations respected and the wolves defended, we have taken legal action. We will be represented by Géo Avocats law firm at the Marseille administrative court on Tuesday November 5 at 2pm, to demand the immediate suspension of this decree.

To stop the persecution of wolves, sign our petition!

The Ministry of Ecology’s aberrant project: an emergency for the survival of great cormorants

The Ministry of Ecology’s aberrant project: an emergency for the survival of great cormorants

The Ministry of Ecology’s aberrant project: an emergency for the survival of great cormorants
The Ministry of Ecology’s aberrant project: an emergency for the survival of great cormorants

At this very moment, citizens are being invited to have their say: in its forthcoming decree, the Ministry of Ecological Transition is setting the conditions and limits to facilitate the unlimited slaughter of these large black birds. In reality, the aim is to meet the demands of fish farming professionals, worried about their farms, without taking into account the illegality of the measure concerning this protected species. We have decided to attack.

A departmental threshold and a largely extended destruction period

Although their numbers are close to 100,000 individuals in France, the future ministerial decree envisages a ceiling of 20% of birds killed in each department.

Prefects would then hold all the cards to authorize their slaughter from the opening of the hunting season to April 30 each year, to the detriment of legislative prohibitions. This is a direct threat to the survival of adults and young birds, only 60% of which make it through their first wintering season.

These decisions would appear to be made solely by lobbies, directly benefiting their economy.

False impact of feathered targets on finned animals

There is no evidence to support the claim that the loss of halieutic “resources” is linked to catches by great cormorants: external factors are having a negative impact on their survival. Climate change, seaweed proliferation in summer, feasting by other fish eaters, water pollution and stress are all factors favoring their disappearance… Surprising, given that these individuals with their fine yellow beaks feed mainly on exotic fish!

In view of all these inconsistencies and the alternative solutions available, we are challenging the Ministry’s plan. Like One Voice, join the fight against the government’s plan to massacre great cormorants by contributing directly to the public consultation open until November 8.

Puppies wearing gassing masks on MBR farms for animal experimentation: damning images

Puppies wearing gassing masks on MBR farms for animal experimentation: damning images

Puppies wearing gassing masks on MBR farms for animal experimentation: damning images
New York
Puppies wearing gassing masks on MBR farms for animal experimentation: damning images
Animal testing

One Voice reports on the shocking information and videos gathered by our friends of about the fate of puppies destined for animal experimentation at Marshall BioResources (MBR) in North Rose, New York. Unfortunately, MBR also operates in France, where it owns the Gannat (Allier) and Mézilles (Yonne) sites… One Voice is sounding the alarm and denouncing these unbearable living conditions!

Suffering begins long before testing

Barely born, the young beagles bred by MBR already know nothing but fear, isolation and violence. Renowned for their gentle nature and loyalty, they are raised in conditions that are hard to imagine, even before they are confronted with the laboratories. Their lives, in MBR’s eyes, have no value unless they conform perfectly to the industry’s expectations. The slightest physical “imperfection” becomes a death sentence. For example, according to one whistleblower’s testimony, a puppy with different-colored eyes was killed at birth, as this made him “useless” for the customers’ requirements.

Condemned to inhale fumes and toxic substances by MBR

For these puppies, the ordeals are just beginning. Their intended function is to be used in laboratories as living test tubes. For them, suffering is not limited to the tests themselves. From their very first weeks, they are subjected to treatments that kill them little by little, inexorably. Unveiled videos show puppies forced to wear masks that force them to inhale gasses, until fatigue prevents them from struggling. These harrowing images were taken, in 2024, inside MBR’s “beagle factory” in North Rose, New York, USA. This is how this company conditions these puppies to wear all kinds of harnesses for future toxic inhalation.

In the 1970s, the investigation showing beagles forced to smoke provoked worldwide indignation. More recently, we mobilized on the occasion of what we called Diesel Gate for the macaques gassed by Volkswagen. Yet these atrocities continue today in the United States, in the shadows and the cover-up.

A daily life of fear and blood

Although three-quarters of French people remain opposed to animal experimentation, MBR dogs suffer the consequences every day. On a daily basis, the dogs are crammed into cramped cages. Forced to live in small spaces where peaceful interaction is impossible, constant proximity to other males leads to struggles for dominance. Blood frequently soils the cages, silent testimony to acts of brutality and neglect. Remains are also regularly found there, in a state of abandonment. These young dogs, deprived of any social ties or games, no longer have the desire or even the ability to interact.

Ferrets also concerned…..

Ferrets, also present on site, are confined in unsanitary cages and live in conditions that defy all decency, reminiscent of those of minks bred for fur. Cowering and huddled together, these small animals seek refuge but find none. The lack of hygiene is alarming: dirt covers the floor and mold invades the troughs. Young minks are often found lifeless, trapped in the throughs, victims of systematic neglect.

The omerta everywhere

According to our information, the American “bioresources” giant has set up a veritable cover-up system to conceal the extent of these atrocities. Cell phones are forbidden on the premises, on pain of immediate dismissal. This draconian measure is designed to prevent any damning evidence from tarnishing the company’s reputation, and to maintain the omerta surrounding its practices.

A long-term battle in France too!

These beagles are not only used locally: they are sent all over the world to numerous laboratories. In France, One Voice’s fight against MBR goes back a long way. Back in the late 1990s, under the name Talis, our association succeeded in blocking the construction of a facility in Montbeugny. We also fought against Harlan in Gannat, who owned the site at the time. More recently, we prevented the expansion of French MBR sites in the Yonne and Allier regions. Today, this investigation reveals what Marshall BioResources is capable of.

If, like three out of four French people, you are against animal experimentation, demand an end to the use of dogs in laboratories and the closure of the Mézilles dog farm.

The book on the Valberg wolf is out in bookshops!

The book on the Valberg wolf is out in bookshops!

The book on the Valberg wolf is out in bookshops!
The book on the Valberg wolf is out in bookshops!
Press release

November 8 sees the publication in bookshops of “The Valberg Wolf”, a book-investigation by journalist Pauline Briand which, after three years’ work, tells the story of the wolf cub who was captured by the authorities in 2019, released in 2020, and who then mysteriously vanished. Thanks to our partnership with the publishing house Editions Goutte d’or, we offer you a preview of an extract from this book before its publication.

This book meticulously tells the story of how, in autumn 2019, a wolf cub appeared in the village of Valberg, at the heart of the Mercantour park. The animal mobilized local residents, the police, two ministers, hunters, breeders, activists, naturalists and scientists.

The cub was finally captured. More than 45,000 of you signed our call to ask for news of him.

After being treated, the Valberg wolf was equipped with a GPS collar before being released by the State in the greatest secrecy. In January 2020, the GPS collar was found intact, but without the animal, who had vanished into thin air. The mystery of the Valberg wolf deepens.

Journalist Pauline Briand’s rigorous and impassioned investigation begins, as she reconstructs the history of his pack and manages to get her hands on the GPS data on his collar. This book, tinged with nature writing, brings the story to life from the inside.

You can preview the first chapter by clicking here.


Unlimited badger massacre in the Tarn region: hearing on October 28, 2024

Unlimited badger massacre in the Tarn region: hearing on October 28, 2024

Unlimited badger massacre in the Tarn region: hearing on October 28, 2024
Unlimited badger massacre in the Tarn region: hearing on October 28, 2024

In the middle of the hunting season, in the village of Bannières, the Tarn prefecture has decided to outdo everyone else by ordering an administrative beat hunt, targeting badgers by shooting, digging up and trapping. The order is motivated by “damage” that has not even been demonstrated, and, among other irregularities, authorizes the use of an illegal trap. We demand the urgent suspension of this deadly and unlawful text at the Toulouse administrative court on Monday October 28, at 3pm.

In the Tarn region, badgers must flee from bullets from September 8, 2024 to February 28, 2025, and until January 15, 2025, they will also be hunted down in their burrows. But that wasn’t enough for the prefecture. Quick to please the hunters, it took advantage of damage to a farmer’s land to add to this massacre an administrative beat hunt lasting over a month in Bannières (81). From September 28 to November 3, badgers unfortunate enough to live on the town’s territory are being persecuted. To kill as many as possible, no limit having been set, all means are good: shooting, digging up and trapping. Above all, leave them no chance of survival.

Illegal and senseless persecution

In addition to its cruelty, the text published by the State is completely illegal. Where is the evidence of the “significant damage” allegedly caused by badgers? Not only does the decree fail to demonstrate this, it also uses it to order culling methods that contravene regulations. Digging up badgers can only be carried out by approved teams of diggers? No matter! If the lieutenant of louveterie and pests so desires, he can “enlist approved trappers” who are not normally qualified to carry out this practice. They’ll be delighted with this. As with the use of snares, traps theoretically reserved only for foxes and which horribly injure animals desperately struggling in them. The icing on the cake is that no mandatory public participation procedure was organized before these measures came into force. And this is just a sample of the irregularities we have identified.

In the face of our victories for badgers, hunters and prefectures persist: we counter-attack!

All over France, our actions against the supplementary periods of underground hunting have led to a reduction in this practice. In 2024, we saved the lives of over 4,000 badgers. A development that hunters and prefectures are fighting hand in hand, multiplying administrative beat hunts and going so far as to trample on court rulings! We won’t let them. Once again, we’re attacking the decree issued by the Tarn prefecture. On behalf of the badgers who have fallen victim to this text, we referred the matter to the Toulouse administrative court on October 8, and will be requesting its suspension as a matter of urgency at the hearing on Monday October 28.

Join us in demanding protection for badgers and a ban on digging: sign our petition!

Action on October 29 before the Aix-en-Provence court of appeal against the transfer of Wikie and Keijo

Action on October 29 before the Aix-en-Provence court of appeal against the transfer of Wikie and Keijo

Action on October 29 before the Aix-en-Provence court of appeal against the transfer of Wikie and Keijo
Action on October 29 before the Aix-en-Provence court of appeal against the transfer of Wikie and Keijo

In January 2024, the legal tribunal of Grasse forbade Marineland to move the orcas before the end of the independent expert assessment we had obtained from the court of appeal of Aix-en-Provence. Marineland immediately appealed this decision. On Tuesday October 29, the magistrates will hear the trainers’ request. One Voice will represent the two orcas at the hearing. To prevent Wikie and Keijo from being transferred to another dolphinarium, we invite you to join our activists outside the court of appeal from 8.45am to 11am.

Just over a year ago, Moana passed away. A few months later, Inouk died too, leaving Wikie and Keijo alone and grieving. Since then, we have ensured that the independent expert assessment we obtained concerning the health of the two deceased orcas and the state of Marineland’s facilities will continue. The park has always opposed this assessment, despite the extremely worrying situation of the animals it holds. When the administrative court in Grasse forbade it to move them before the independent experts had completed their work, the dolphinarium appealed. Its objective is clear: to get rid of the orcas as quickly as possible.

Wikie and Keijo must not be sent to other places of death! 

If the Aix-en-Provence court of appeal were to rule in Marineland’s favor, the two survivors would be sent without further delay to even smaller tanks than those in which they have been held since birth. Whether transferred to Japan or Loro Parque in Tenerife, mother and son would be separated from each other, permanently shattering their family and the little psychic equilibrium they have left. In either case, Wikie would once again be exploited for reproduction, unwillingly giving birth to new offspring who would in turn suffer from captivity for the rest of their lives. Provided they manage to survive… If the November 2021 law has, as it boasts, succeeded in protecting the smallest animal, it has in any case consciously forgotten to concern itself with the orcas.

They need urgent care…..

For years, we have been sounding the alarm about Moana and Inouk. Their state of health was critical, and it was vital that a competent team should intervene, as we have repeatedly stated, backed up by expert reports. The dolphinarium let the two orcas die, and today, when we warn that Wikie and Keijo are in no condition to be transported and urgently need appropriate care, our demands are once again brushed aside? We will not allow the two survivors to be sacrificed on the altar of profit!

….. before they can join a sanctuary

If they are able to recover, we are prepared to offer them a dignified retirement in a sanctuary off the coast of Nova Scotia. This project, which we have been working on with the Whale Sanctuary Project for some time, is the only viable one for Wikie and Keijo. The authors of the report commissioned by the Ministry of Ecology and published last September, studied our proposal and concluded that it should be explored. We’re counting on it… It’s about time!

On Tuesday October 29, from 8.45am to 11am, join us in front of the court of appeal in Aix-en-Provence to refuse to allow Marineland to send Wikie and Keijo to foreign tanks! And sign our petition for a sanctuary!