OPEN LETTER TO M. Gérard Landrieu, Mayor of Prévenchères
Order the authorization for the destruction of wolves
Honour the Mayor,
CAP Wolf collective brings together 37 associations for the
protection of nature and animals, who are gathered to act in favour
of the protection of the wolf, to ensure the presence of the species
in France and to allow the cohabitation between the wolf and human
have read your order of 22 September 2016, authorizing for a period
of 6 months in the territory of Prévenchères:
- “at
the same time shooting to defence, enhanced defence, levy’s and
enhanced levying”,
- the
breeders to take «all necessary measures against wolves and if
necessary, to carry out the killing of wolves»,
- the
breeders «to carry out any trapping of the species wolf».
you know, the wolf is a species strictly protected, both by European
and international law, and by French law. Any deviation from this
status must comply with the legislative and regulatory provisions,
more specifically those resulting from the Ministerial Order of 30
June 2015.
decision is therefore tainted by multiple illegalities, both in terms
of jurisdiction and compliance with the conditions for authorising
shooting and authorized means of destruction. Voluntary adoption of a
grossly illegal order by a local elected official, depositary of
public authority, is unacceptable in a rule of law.
hereby wish to remind you and your fellow citizens that if a wolf is
shot, the shooter – or the trapper – would be liable, pursuant to
article L.415-3 of the Environmental Code, 2 years imprisonment and a
fine of €150,000. This penalty would be increased to 7 years
imprisonment and 750,000 € fine if this offence were committed in
an organized gang (L.415-6 of the same code).
yourself, having directly provoked the perpetrator to commit this
offence, would be considered, pursuant to Article 23 of the Law of 29
July 1881, as an accomplice of the crime and liable to the same
associations would also ask civil reparation for the damage suffered
by this illegal destruction, damage directly related to the wrongful
illegality of this decree, illegality constituting a fault involving
the responsibility of the municipality.
we ask you to repeal without delay this decree stained with multiple
illegalities, and to put an end urgently to the destruction
operations currently underway in your municipality.
we remind you that herd protection measures are funded by the
community, which also compensates all losses attributed to wolves,
whether the herd is protected or not. It is up to the breeders to
subscribe to these subsidies, the implementation of these measures
being the only way to a peaceful cohabitation of the farmers with
this natural predator.
accept, Your Worship, the expression of our most distinguished
associations of CAP Loup
- Registered
letter with AR and fax
- Posting
on the website www.cap-loup.fr
- Mailing
to local and national media
Reynaud – ASPAS
Boffy – fan
Arnal – One Voice
Loup – C/o PHAAS – PO 505 – 26401 CREST Cedex
37 member associations of CAP Loup:
Animal Cross, ASPAS, Ferus, LPO PACA, Mille traces, SFEPM, WWF.
ALEPE, Altaïr Nature, ANG, Asbl Wolf Eyes, ASPA Vosges, AVES France,
CESB, le
COGard, CVN, Eco Volontaire International, FAN, Fondation Brigitte
Bardot, GEML, GLS, GMA, GREEN, Kermit, LAEO France, Loup.org, LPO
Auvergne, LPO Champagne-Ardenne, Oiseaux Nature, One Voice, Peuple
Loup, RAC, Sauvegarde Faune Sauvage, SPA Lyon Sud-Est, Sur les traces
du loup, Tendua