Micha, Glasha and Bony, three circus bears dying in cells here in France
One Voice reveals the images of the jails of Micha, Glasha and Bony, the bears held by the Poliakovs and asks the authorities for their immediate seizure.
Micha, Glasha and Bony, the three bears held by the Poliakov trainers for decades and exploited in marquees at fairs, are confined to medieval jails until the end of their lives. For the authorities, however, everything is fine! In the face of the overwhelming images we have revealed concerning their conditions of detention, we have filed a new complaint for acts of cruelty against their torturers and demand their immediate transfer to a sanctuary.
Surviving in the company of rats in dark and cold cells
The images, shot in early September, reveal the continual nightmare of these three poor prisoners.
Untreated wounds to the paws that are infested with maggots, rats running everywhere in the outer enclosure, and also keeping the bears company in their cells, grates rotten by rust, and huge cobwebs hang like curtains from the walls and the ceilings, the picture drawn up here is an abominable one.
The concrete building never seems to have be finished: no door, no window, so no protection from the elements. When the wind blows, it creeps in at all directions with no possibility to escape it. To stay warm in winter is impossible.
And what of food? Mouldy fruit, croquettes, leaves, seeds … The cement troughs built like the building are green in colour, the bottom of the water trough is dark green and on the feeding side there are greyish leftovers on which the fruits left to rot in the fridge next door are thrown onto in a hurry.
The authorities know
How else otherwise could this possibly be?
Since 2004, we have followed the Poliakov’s. In February 2018 on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, Micha had been exhibited in a restaurant. Our complaint immediately filed had been dismissed! Out of the question to abandon Micha to his fate: we had immediately made a recourse. It was not until January 2019, to learn that an investigation was finally in progress. Then no more replies to our requests for news …
But today, for the first time, the real living conditions of these bears who have been exploited by circuses are exposed to the face of the world.
What is the destiny of Micha: to die far from view?
We were told it was a paradise for bears and now today we reveal the atrocious truth: Micha is dying in a dungeon. They have hidden it all: trainers and authorities, because to show this is to show the real state of animals in circuses.
His eyes say more than any words could. He looks at his paws, slowly, his eyebrows softly frowning, in an expression of extreme distress. It hurts, there is no doubt: maggots have made their home there. He moves in slow motion, sits down, goes to bed. He goes out a little in the pen, crosses a few rats, comes back again. He looks for a suitable position in the straw with which to lighten his emaciated body from its suffering, he does not find one. His agony is endless. The ground is strewn with hairs mixed with straw … he breathes painfully. Each breath is a rattle, each exhale is a sigh which seems to retain a kind of asthmatic cough. His nose is cluttered with dirt, just like his eyes. His teeth – like those of his miserable comrades – they are all in an alarming state. His saliva is thick and yellow.
Micha is dying in an endless state of torture. The Poliakov’s small business has been shut down for several months, has no value, and is allowed to die.
Will it soon be the turn of his valiant companions?
Glasha and Bony, they have their claws cut short, and their bodies are marked in places. The training of bears, these big brave beasts, is one of extreme violence, and leaves indelible marks, physical as well psychological, as the life in a circus truck. Although the Poliakov’s show is banned, the damage has been done.
Glasha frequently circles his cell, barely dares to put his paws into the outer enclosure, he’s content, empty-eyed, turns his head towards the gloomy light, sinking further into his inner world to be able to survive this abuse.
Bony also languishes in stereotypical movements which are specific of captive animals in great suffering and that are traumatized forever, he is traumatized in his cell and also outside of it. His distress and agony are more obvious when he passes in front of the truck in which he lives, from circus to circus.
A complaint in progress: we must save them!
With the images we unveil, no doubt it’s possible: the authorities will no longer be able to close their eyes to the tragedy unfolding in the Loir-et-Cher. We filed a new complaint, this time for acts of cruelty, professional mistreatment, placement in a potentially abusive environment and improper operation of an establishment holding non-domestic animals.
As soon as they are no longer exploited, circus animals are discarded pending death. This is the reality of the circus world in France. One Voice will not let it go! We demand the immediate seizure of Micha, Glasha and Bony by the justice system and that they be entrusted to us. Their place is in a sanctuary, we have made sure that three places are reserved for them and we will take on all the expenses in charge. Also, nothing, absolutely nothing, justifies leaving them to this agony.