Intensive breeding of dogs for laboratories: One Voice lodges a complaint!
The suffering of the dogs of Mezilles, we have seen this. We managed to obtain official authorization to enter the premises with a bailiff!
The ordeal of the dogs of Mezilles, we have seen this. Yes, we managed to obtain official authorization to enter the premises with a bailiff! We lodge a complaint about ill-treatment and lack of care and demand the closure of this terrible industrial breeding business.
What we managed to do is exceptional: we had received the go ahead for a bailiff’s report to be made in the presence of our expert Dr. Ménache, consultant veterinarian for One Voice. With his insight, his knowledge of dogs and their needs has made it possible to officially and rigorously observe the terrible living conditions of those who should be pampered companions but are here and produced on an industrial scale.
More than 1500 dogs live crammed into unsuitable boxes. They never see a blade of grass, they can never frolic outside. A situation all the more terrible for beagles and golden retrievers who need a lot of exercise! We have proof of this now, the ordeal of these dogs does not begin in the laboratories where they are destined, in France and abroad, it begins at their birth.
Females are used to produce regular litters. Here, thousands of puppies are born each year. We do not know how many precisely, the pups are not weaned and are not counted … And how many die? The testimony of a former employee, which we noted in the public inquiry, evokes buckets of dead puppies, collected every morning in the maternity ward…
If this is the fact, don’t be surprised? At night there is no one to watch over pregnant females and new-borns, only a guard technician and there is no video surveillance. Finally if, there are possible breeches of the building, which seems to worry the operators more than the well-being of the future and young mothers and their babies! And in the day, only one vet. Yes, a single veterinarian for how many animals? In actual fact there are 2000 souls, utter madness.
In Mézilles, dogs are only a manufactured product for laboratories.
Our indignation has no bounds.
On the strength of these conclusions from the bailiff’s report, we will meet on June 9th, the director of cabinet of the Prefect of Yonne. We also file a complaint for abuse and neglect, and ask that the dogs be entrusted to us. Nothing will stop us. Nothing can stop our determination to close this place!
To support our fight, to prevent the expansion of the dog breeding farm in Mézilles and to save thousands of dogs by obtaining its closure, please share and sign the petition.