Inouk, 25 years in captivity: One Voice rallies outside Marineland on February 25

Inouk, 25 years in captivity: One Voice rallies outside Marineland on February 25

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While the facility has reopened and Inouk, Wikie and Keijo are invisible to the public in the orca tank, One Voice has decided to honor the 25 years of this young male, who has all the makings of an old man. Activists from the association’s local branch will be in front of the park in Antibes on Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 11 a.m. for a silent and respectful gathering.

To date, the orcas from the Côte d’Azur dolphinarium have not been sent to a Japanese dolphinarium, as Marineland wished. The French Ministry of Ecology is considering marine sanctuary solutions, for a time suspended by the park’s ban on relocating the family of cetaceans until the independent expertise we have obtained has been completed. Their future is uncertain.

Inouk, his sister Wikie and nephew Keijo were born in a tank. They have therefore suffered captivity and its devastating consequences on their health for their entire lives. One Voice, like its partner on the other side of the Atlantic, would like to open a dialogue with the park in order to offer the world’s only family of captive orcas other prospects than certain death and endless exploitation. Let’s not wait for more deaths. Moana was only twelve… And before him, there had already been so many!

A marine sanctuary could take them in, if the political will and cooperation of Parques Reunidos were granted. We want to believe that it is possible to find a solution from above, and we’re doing everything we can to make it happen. Sign and share the petition calling for a sanctuary for the French killer whales.

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