Fox cubs dug up: undercover infiltration
In France, foxes can be dug up with dogs and slaughtered all year round, including during the breeding season. One Voice undercover infiltration report is chilling.
Our investigators infiltrated at the center of the digging up process. In France, foxes can be dug up and slaughtered all year round, including during the breeding season. This sadistic practice leaves animals no chance. Their status as a species likely to cause damage, decided by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition, thus allowing hunters specializing in “underground hunting” to go and get them with their large pincers, with dogs. To open the burrows like trenches several meters deep, cut tree roots with an axe … for the pleasure of occupying their Saturdays off by killing foxes with iron bars or by ordering their dogs to rip them to pieces on the spot. The images we have reported are chilling.
It is eight o’clock in the morning and the digging crews are on the warpath. After a round of surveillance to see which fox and badger burrows are occupied in anticipation of the opening of the badger hunt, they choose a red fox burrow on the land of an owner who wants to get rid of it, accompanied by the local president of the federation of hunters.
At the edge of the burrow, a specific sweet and sour smell, that of urine, humus and the undergrowth. If you don’t know the smell of foxes, you might think it’s the forest that smells like that. But here one has taken up residence, a fox family. Besides the birds chirping in the treetops, there is silence around. The wood is peaceful, the roads, the fields and the houses are far away.
Three new-born babies killed in front of children
Underground, the three little ones are waiting for their mother to return to eat. They sleep peacefully when they hear the first muffled barks. These are disturbing voices. The ground trembles several times, other cries creep into the galleries, which relaunch the barking. The little ones call the vixen to their rescue, without success. The barking is coming closer, yet still out of reach.
Then the dogs burst into the corner of the den where their mother had hidden them. In the blinding light, they will be pulled out with pliers or gripped by the jaws of the dogs. They will suddenly experience a stabbing pain to the head, then a secondly, they will feel the blood flow from their noses, their bodies will begin to shake with spasms, until they finally lose consciousness, one after another suffering in agony, exposed and vulnerable to their attackers …
In another country, exposing children to this would be the subject of a report by the child protection agency
As our investigators have reported, a very young adolescent and a child as young as five were exposed to this hunt and the killing of these cubs. Even worse, the preteen was pushed to kill them. An initiatory practice for the young “apprentice”. He will prove to be too squeamish in the eyes of his elders. The heavy pliers were torn from his hands as the rest of the underground hunting crew assisted in the killing of three fox cubs, barely a few months old, with heavy blows to the skull. For some time still, their little bodies will twitch with spasms … under the eyes of the child still in kindergarten …
One Voice is seeking the intervention of the Defender of Rights. We express our concern about the deleterious effects on the physical and psychological development of these children exposed to such violence.
The bodies of foxes thrown away along with the cigarette butts
The last fox cub will die before even discovering the rays of the sun, shaken between the clenched jaws of the hunting terrier, trained to kill and himself exhausted. Finally, the legal mischief is celebrated with a satisfied handshake. The small cubs are photographed, their murderers smiling around their corpses, the bodies are then thrown into a hole and buried along with dozens of cigarette butts smoked during the six hours of digging.
Decrees are stopped but then they are renewed
While these three young foxes lost their lives, the federations of hunters are pressuring the Prefects to obtain more and more orders making it possible to treat foxes as pests to be killed all year round, day and night, by trapping, shooting, hunting with hounds… to have the pleasure of killing even when the hunting season is closed. Because foxes, in addition to other animals, are being stripped of their status as sentient beings, denied their essential role in the biodiversity and even the right to exist. We are constantly attacking the Prefectural decrees (often published against the public’s opinion), and justice has proven us right. With rare but notable exceptions the foxes are spared because the justice system has seized in urgency and intervenes when necessary, vis-a-vis the hunters and the Prefectures. But more often than not, and this is why it is so important for the law to change, justice does not change its decisions when the foxes are already dead. Proving us right against the Prefects, but too late.
That’s enough! Let’s ban the practice of digging up!
We are fighting tirelessly to ban underground hunting with the support of more than eight out of ten French people and all other “traditional” forms of hunting. Support our actions to save the foxes.
They must be removed from the list of animals considered to be pests (likely to cause damage) established by the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition.
I love foxes! Let’s write en masse to the Minister of the Ecological and Inclusive Transition!
Hundreds of thousands of foxes are slaughtered throughout the year because they are considered pests by @Ecologie_Gouv. @Elisabeth_Borne, ban the sadistic practice of underground hunting now! #ILoveFoxes #JAimeLesRenards #RenardsNuisiblesVraiment https://www.jaimelesrenards.fr
Digging up of these foxes and put to death in front of children! @Ecologie_Gouv @Elisabeth_Borne, remove the foxes from the list of “pests” and ban underground hunting! #ILoveFoxes #JAimeLesRenards #RenardsNuisiblesVraiment https://www.jaimelesrenards.fr