The administrative court of Strasbourg takes the side of the foxes!
The decree of July 10th 2018 by which the Prefect of the Moselle regulated the organization
of hunts particular foxes by the specialist hunters of the Louvre has
been cancelled. In way of compensation, the State will pay 1500 euros
to the association One Voice.
Muriel Arnal, Founding
President of One Voice, says:
The court took the defence of the red foxes, who were wrongly accused
an order that was relaxed to authorize these continued hunting
periods, it is therefore necessary not only for the State to provide
proof of the “absolute necessity” of these additional
hunts, but also to prove the “significant damage” caused by
foxes, which it does not need to do, but eventually did not succeed.
For the court,
Victory after victory against the hunt, One Voice hits the mark
is the second time in a row that a Prefectural order in process is
cancelled following a request from the One Voice Association to
defend the foxes, wrongly accused of all ills. Previously, only
expired bylaws were found to be illegal, making the victory bitter
because the foxes had already been slaughtered.
Damage? But what damage?
keep red foxes on the list of species classified as likely to cause
damage (pests), it is still necessary to estimate their number. One
Voice has therefore made the request to all the French departments of
the list of damages caused specifically by these small canids.
must believe that this request from our association worries more than
one: the FDSEA Loir-et-Cher has reminded all its members, including
through the press, the importance of these statements by the
operators. Because without damage, it would call into question the
necessity of the wanton destruction of foxes …
And for good reason, they are
falsely accused of all evils and suffer from a bad reputation, the
opposite of all reality! Or how to take a problem backwards, that is
to say to seek justification for the maintenance of a morbid “past