Every day is a day too much! One Voice in action in Granville for circus animals in France
20 countries in the world prohibit the use of wild animals in
circuses. 64 French cities have also joined in. One Voice launches an
inverted countdown and asks France to be the 21st country to refuse
their exploitation!
was July 12 in Granville, where one of the biggest circuses with
animals from Europe was performing, time now for an action with the
model Juliana Marques.
in cramped trailers, transported from town to town, wild animals have
no place in circuses. The experts commissioned by One Voice are
unambiguous, nothing can be done to satisfy their well-being in
travelling shows. Jumbo the hippo only comes out of his truck for 30
minutes a day. He only gets a jet of water when he should be spending
long hours underwater. Elephants such as Maya or Samba suffer from
the loneliness of going crazy. We remember the dramatic escape of
Samba in 2013, which cost the life of a passer-by. The elephant
Lechmee is blind and handicapped. She is unable to feed herself
without the help of her companions and suffers at every step. And
we’ve also seen the lion Chirkane rebel against his handler.
is on an international level. 20 countries in the world have already
banned wild animals in circuses, 16 have taken at least partial
measures. In Europe, 20 countries have partially banned them. Will
France be the 21st country of the 21st century to achieve a ban? 64
municipalities have already positioned themselves in this direction
and the circuses themselves have begun their conversion, lately we
have seen André-Joseph Bouglione convert.
July 12th, on the occasion of the launch of its new campaign “One
day too many in the circuses”, One Voice was in Granville where
the biggest circus with animals of Europe raised its marquee. Beside
us, the model Juliana Marques carried her message. After 5 hours of
an artistic body-painting by the talented Ophélie Nezan, she
represented the fight that we lead in the best way possible, in the
form of the tiger, the logo of One Voice.
special internet site was launched on July 11, launching an inverted
countdown and prompting the public to metaphorically saw through the
bars of animal cages held in circuses. Our latest survey (IPSOS / One
Voice in December 2016) indicates that a large majority of French
people consider that the animals are stressed (80%) and unhappy
(69%). A major turning point is finally announced in this fight that
One Voice has been conducting for 18 years! With the support of the
greatest number, it can be crossed. Providing these animal prisoners
with a peaceful end to this captive life is just a click away.
Muriel Arnal says: “For
wild animals who live in circuses life is unbearable. What they
suffer there is like slavery. In this prison world, a life of
beatings and privation, they eventually go mad. And is it their
madness and their submission to this violence that should be shown to
the children? It’s time for this to finish. The world is ready.
France, which has already positioned itself for dolphins, must go
further. The circus of tomorrow will be without animals! “