Dying wild boars and abandoned corpses: in the Nièvre department, hunters treat nature like a dustbin
Is abandoning corpses in the wild a new passion for hunters? After foxes from the Jura department, wild boars in the Nièvre department are the latest victims of this “hobby”, which kills tens of millions of animals every year. Wounded animals, agonizing for long hours, decomposing bodies left in the middle of the woods: these are the effects of hunting in the countryside! For these wild boars, we are filing a complaint against X.

For hunters, wild boars are just like any other waste!
While enjoying the arrival of summer in the forest, some walkers in the Nièvre department came across a macabre sight: the corpses of wild boars. And they were not done being surprised: a few yards away, in a pile of manure, they heard heavy breathing: a seriously wounded wild boar had been dying there, probably for many hours.
In this department, hunting is supposed to have been closed since the end of February. But for wild boars, there’s no respite! They can be shot as early as June 1, or even earlier for those with authorization. And, of course, they can be slaughtered all year round by order of the prefect, as part of administrative beat hunts that are often illegal, or by simple request as part of the “ESOD” classification. A continuous massacre.
To put a stop to this outrageous behavior, we’re filing a complaint!
Shooting animals and abandoning their remains in the middle of the forest, wounding some and leaving them in agony for hours, mutilating corpses and displaying them as trophies… And they dare to talk about “hunting ethics”!
A few weeks ago, we had a lieutenant of louveterie and pests convicted of abandoning dozens of fox corpses in a river. Today, we’re demanding justice for wild boars! We are filing a complaint today. To say no to these practices, sign our petition for a radical reform of hunting!