Atrocity and abundance of animal experimentation projects in France: the banality of everyday life

Atrocity and abundance of animal experimentation projects in France: the banality of everyday life

Animal testing
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Starting today, we will be presenting projects selected on the basis of the number of animals used or the severity of the tests they undergo. All have been validated by the French Ministry of Research. We’re calling for a real wake-up call that will bring about a change in practices. For this, we need your help!

Every day in France, a multitude of animals are subjected to experiments. These projects may be linked to research (fundamental and applied), or to regulatory and toxicology testing.

The transition to animal-free science is massively supported by the French (Ipsos/One Voice poll, April 2023), by nearly 150 European scientists from 19 member states, by European elected representatives in 2010 and 2023, and by French parliamentarians*.

Thus, between April 10 and May 10, 2024, the following projects were published in the database listing projects authorized at European level:

Concerning monkeys :

  • Injection into the brain, followed by several surgeries to implant electrodes delivering different intensities of electric current into the brain. They will also undergo the administration of parkinsonian syndrome through daily intramuscular injections: 6 monkeys will be used and undergo pain of a severe degree of severity until euthanasia.

For dogs :

For rabbits :

  • Tissue samples taken from 3,000 young rabbits, who are then slaughtered at weaning.

Concerning fish :

Concerning rodents :

We call on laboratories to systematically use alternative methods when they exist, as required by law. We also encourage professionals to train in animal-free testing methods. In addition, we urge our political representatives to vote in favor of much greater funding for research into alternative methods. Although the majority of them agree with this principle, it is now imperative to have real political will to make progress. Stagnation is a significant obstacle, and we need to adopt an innovative approach and invest more in this field.

The number of animals who are still victims of animal experimentation is colossal and their numbers are not decreasing, be they monkeys, dogs or any other species, despite the passage of legislation calling for a reduction.

To put an end to these methods, which have had their day, join us in calling for an end to animal experimentation, and write to the Minister of Higher Education and Research:

Download the standard letter (in French)

* Sources :

  • Decree no. 2013-118 of February 1, 2013 on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.
  • Order of February 1, 2013 setting the conditions for approval, layout and operation of establishments using, breeding or supplying animals used for scientific purposes and their controls.
  • Order of February 1, 2013 relating to the ethical evaluation and authorization of projects involving the use of animals in experimental procedures.
  • Order of February 1, 2013 setting the conditions for supplying certain animal species used for scientific purposes to approved user establishments.
  • Order of February 1, 2013 relating to the acquisition and validation of skills of personnel from user establishments, breeders and suppliers of animals used for scientific purposes.
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