Animal testing like you have never seen
One Voice has developed an interactive and annotated webpage to explore the figures on animal testing and projects recently approved in France. An important and accessible resource for the general public and journalists.
Thanks to relentless work carried out in the spring with the aim of providing the public with a complete representation of current practices in France in animal testing, One Voice has today unveiled an interactive web page combining explanations and analyses. An important and accessible resource for the general public and journalists.
Although they have not distributed them, the Ministry of Research has detailed figures on animal testing, such as those declared by laboratories. This data, much more interesting than the ‘statistical surveys’ that were published late and strewn with typos and omissions, have been obtained by One Voice on request from the Ministry.
Since the start of the year, we have analysed them and formatted them to better inform you. Today we have revealed a new version, expanded considerably, of our dedicated page on the experimentation-animale.com site, better documented than the Ministry’s statistical surveys.
Detailed and current information
Firstly, the species used are detailed. Together with mice, dogs, macaques and zebrafish, whose use is well-known, we show that laboratories exploit hedgehogs, wild boars, dolphins, canaries, salmon, foxes, turkeys, and sardines, among so many animals grouped in the ‘other’ categories of the statistics published.
Our page also shows the data concerning the types of research and the levels of pain and stress inflicted on animals, always accompanied with examples of project summaries approved in 2022 by the Ministry and that can be shared on Twitter. What better way to get informed to respond to those who claim that we only inform on practices from the 1980s!
Annotated graphs and a dictionary
All of the graphs available on the page are accompanied by an annotation regarding the chosen species. Even those who are not comfortable with graphs will therefore have access to important information.
Finally, we have written a small animal testing ‘glossary’, available on a separate page, but also directly on the main page, in order to guide people who are not yet familiar with terms such as ‘zootechnics’, ‘no wake procedure’, or ‘routine production’.
A resource for journalists
Beyond its benefits for the general public, we hope that journalists will use this page as an indispensable resource to report on recent and tangible animal testing practices in France, in order to increase the debate by surpassing subterfuge in the industry and obscurity by public authorities.
We are available to the media to provide complete datasets, which contain even more details than we can publish at this time.
And then?
In fact, this page will not stop there: it has been created to expand over the years with new French figures, but also with detailed research goals included in graphs (types of toxicity testing for the purpose of basic research, including diseases studied in applied research), a comparison against figures from other European countries, the possibility of grouping several species on one graph, and numerous other functionalities.
Do not hesitate to write to us if you come across any problems while exploring this resource, if you notice any errors or typos, or if you would like to see any further definitions or new functionalities.
Translated from the French by Joely Justice