11 June 2022 will mark the first Day Against Bullfighting
The weekend of 11 and 12 June will be celebrated with the first Day Against Bullfighting in around thirty towns in France. One Voice and Alliance Ethique are at the initiative of this previously unseen rallying.
The weekend of 11 and 12 June will be celebrated with the first Day Against Bullfighting in thirty towns in France. One Voice — a member of the Féderation des Luttes pour L’Abolition des Corridas (FLAC) [Federation of Fights to Abolish Bullfighting] — and the Alliance Ethique are at the initiative of this previously unseen rallying, which will result in physical events such as rallies with signs, banners, and information stands; but also with online action, taking the form of a ‘tweetstorm’ of portraits bearing the image of dozens of partner associations using our communal hashtag: #StopCorrida, to shout out to our representatives and to abolish bullfighting [also known as Corrida].
See the Facebook page on the Day Against Bullfighting.
See the Facebook page for One Voice’s national actions.
Thirty-three towns in France and worldwide, dozens of partner associations and hundreds of citizens and leading figures condemning bullfighting alongside us.
In nineteen towns, within the framework of a coordinated national action, the One Voice branches will organise audience participation events within the public awareness programme. In Nice, Henry-Jean Servat will be there and we will be implementing a static audience participation event in a circle, as though it is an arena, with videos being broadcast on a large screen. In Paris, Jeanne Mas has been invited. In Captieux, a demonstration will take place in the context of a bullfight.
And in thirteen other towns, our partners from Collectif Nature et Sauvage [Nature and Wildlife Collective], CRAC Europe [Radical Anti-Corrida Committee], 269 Life, Colbac, or even from the Collectif Animaliste Sainté [Holy Animalist Collective], and other private individuals will take over the rallying. Finally, the Aichi Prefecture will also get involved and their virtual action will also be supported just about everywhere in Japan.
Dramatisation is expected, but photo albums will be created with the public in particular, supporting the initiative, which will add to the existing album.
2022 objective: 5000 portraits. Numerous leading figures have already given their support with images for the abolition of bullfighting.
To show your support online:
Choose the #StopCorrida visual in the list of participating associations, available here, print them in A4, take a photo of yourself, your family, your friends, and send your support to the following address: stopponslacorrida@gmail.com.
Shout out representatives on social networks:
If you would also like to take part in the first Day Against Bullfighting but you are not able to travel, here are the posts that you can use (and adapt) at your leisure on your social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and others) throughout the weekend of 11 and 12 June.
- Today is the first day of rallying in France to say #StopCorrida! Did you know that calves and bulls are still put to their death in 63 towns in France? Stop this cruelty by signing our petition https://www.stop-corrida.fr/ @onevoiceanimal
- Bullfighting in France must stop! 74% of French citizens would like to end this cruelty but the government is turning a deaf ear. Let’s make this change! Sign for a cruelty-free France: https://www.stop-corrida.fr/ #StopCorrida @onevoiceanimal
- It is time to put an end to bullfighting in France! We need YOU to add your signature so that these barbaric practices stop in our country. Sign today: https://www.stop-corrida.fr @onevoiceanimal #StopCorrida
- The bulls and horses need your help! Sign our petition, join, and share the campaign. #StopCorrida @onevoiceanimal To find out more: https://one-voice.fr/fr/nos-combats/nos-autres-combats/corrida/explication.html
- Distribute widely! I am calling for France to put an end to bullfighting. Join me in sharing this post and taking your turn to sign #StopCorrida @onevoiceanimal https://www.stop-corrida.fr
- Bullfighting schools, accessible to children from 6 years old, must close! Join me in signing and sharing this investigation: https://one-voice.fr/en/news/one-voice-infiltrates-a-bullfighting-school-for-children/ #StopCorrida @onevoiceanimal
- Each year in France, hundreds of calves and bulls suffer and are then massacred for entertainment. Each signature counts for bulls in France. Sign today to put an end to bullfighting: https://www.stop-corrida.fr/ @onevoiceanimal #StopCorrida
One Voice’s campaign against bullfighting:
One Voice carried out an investigation in 2019 in a bullfighting school in Nîmes. On this occasion, a petition was published in order to get these schools, where children learnt how to make sentient animals suffer and how to kill young bulls, closed down.
Towns participating:
Note: you can consult the event online before going
Updated live to assure you that it has not been changed.
Department |
Towns |
Facebook Event |
Precise Location |
Start Time |
13 |
Aix-en-Provence |
Allées Provençales |
11:00am to 12:30pm |
One Voice local branch |
80 |
Amiens |
Place René Goblet |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
269 Life |
49 |
Angers |
Rue Lenepveu |
2:30pm to 4:30pm |
269 Life |
64 |
Anglet |
Place de la Barre |
2:30pm to 6:00pm |
CRAC Europe |
13 |
Arles |
Arènes d’Arles |
10:00am to 1:00pm |
Alliance Éthique |
84 |
Avignon |
Place Pie |
10:30am to 12:30pm |
One Voice local branch |
64 |
Bayonne |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
34 |
Béziers |
Place de la Constitution, Rue de la République |
11:00am to 12:30pm |
Colbac |
33 |
Captieux / Sunday 12 June |
Place du 8 Mai |
3:00pm to 5:30pm |
One Voice local branch |
11 |
Carcassonne |
3:00pm to 6:00pm |
Collectif Nature & Sauvage |
66 |
Céret |
3:00pm to 6:00pm |
Animal libre |
58 |
La Charité Sur Loire |
2:30pm to 6:00pm |
CRAC Europe |
08 |
Charleville-Mézières |
Place Ducale |
2:30pm to 5:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
21 |
Dijon |
Place François Rude |
3:30pm to 6:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
83 |
Fréjus / Sunday 12 June |
Boulevard de la Libération, |
11:00am to 12:30pm |
One Voice local branch |
05 |
Gap |
Place Marcellin |
10:00am to 1:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
17 |
La Rochelle |
Cours des Dames |
3:00pm to 5:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
59 |
Lille |
1, rue des tanneurs |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
34 |
Lunel / Sunday 12 June |
11:00am to 1:00pm |
Citoyen / CRAC |
69 |
Lyon / Sunday 12 June |
Place Saint Jean |
3:00pm to 5:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
13 |
Marseille |
2:30pm to 5:00pm |
Private individuals |
57 |
Metz |
64 rue Serpenoise |
3:00pm to 4:30pm |
One Voice local branch |
34 |
Montpellier |
Place de la Comédie |
2:30pm to 5:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
44 |
Nantes / Sat. 18 June |
Place Royale |
3:30pm to 5:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
06 |
Nice |
Place Masséna |
11:00am to 1:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
30 |
Nîmes |
Esplanade Charles de Gaulle |
1:30pm to 5:00pm |
CRAC Europe |
75 |
Paris |
Place de l’Hôtel de Ville |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
76 |
Rouen |
Place de la Cathédrale |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
42 |
Saint-Étienne |
2:00pm to 4:00pm |
Collectif Animaliste Sainté |
67 |
Strasbourg |
Place Kléber |
2:00pm to 4:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
31 |
Toulouse |
Place du Capitole |
11:00am to 12:15pm |
Collectif Nature & Sauvage |
10 |
Troyes |
71 rue Emile Zola |
2:30pm to 4:00pm |
One Voice local branch |
Translated from the French by Joely Justice