Monday 02 July 2018 | 85

Young dog beaten and stabbed, Cell Zoe appeals for justice in the case of Mylanne

Young dog beaten and stabbed, Cell Zoe appeals for justice in the case of Mylanne

Mis à jour le 14 January 2019

No social or emotional precariousness can justify the violence suffered by animals and their murder! No addiction can serve as an excuse to mitigate the gravity of this gesture! Mylanne lived only a nightmare with the man who had obtained her. The young German Shepherd would have been the scapegoat of this dangerous human.

Hr blog


The defendant was sentenced to 6 months imprisonment and a lifetime ban on keeping an animal.

Mylanne lived in terror

Two years ago, Mylanne met an alcoholic and violent man. He took her home, with the intention of training her the hard way, "so that she could eat the other animals in the household because they were pissing him off". 

Since then, the young dog was beaten so hard, and so regularly, that neighbours heard it through the walls. They crossed the drunken and aggressive man daily, who had already attacked them. He even scared his neighbours because he was so insulting and threatening, what could she do, so helpless in the face of his anger?

Like any dog, she sought so much to be loved, seeking the tenderness in her eyes, but found only bitterness, resentment, instability and unleashed anger ...

Mylanne was scared of it.

On March 10thhe returned home smelling of alcohol. She barked to keep him at bay, fearing again his excessive violence. But what was waiting for her was worse than anything before. Terrorized, she was stabbed in the back by this antisocial, heartless, irascible individual. The blow was so strong that the knife was bent ... she moaned. He finished her off, dragged her down the stairs of his building, and threw her body into the collective garbage bin.

Fortunately, a witness called the gendarmerie. The traces of blood left between the local garbage and the home of the torturer, the weapon of the crime found at the home and the body of Mylanne, left him confounded.

Zoe Cell fights cruelty once again

We will be in Pontoise, in the courtroom, on the 2ndof July, so that this man, with already previous charges, clearly a public danger, will receive an exemplary sentence. Cell Zoe will take care of it in its plea. We filed a complaint for cruelty against this man "alcoholic, impulsive and unstable" according to the doctor who admitted his analysis of this criminal.   

Once again, we urge governments to recognize the Link between violence against humans and animals, and to amend the law accordingly. 

Please sign and share our petition to condemn all violence, regardless of the victim.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 85

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Pascale | Thursday 05 July 2018

De la prison ferme pour ceux qui martyrisent les animaux!

mumu | Thursday 05 July 2018

devant la détresse de mylanne, et sa mort injuste, on doit soutenir one voice , et rendre hommage à cet être fait pour l'amour, et qui n'en a pas reçu. on apprend par ailleurs que le jeune Angel, 6 mois, est mort l'an dernier dénutri, dévitalisé, enjambé chaque jour par ses "maîtres", et qu'il y a eu non-lieu au tribunal ! l'asso arche de freyja est dégoutée, indignée, et on les comprend ! courage les assos, on vous aime pour votre travail et pour l'affection que vous donnez à ceux qui sont sans voix !

Stephane | Thursday 05 July 2018

La prison ferme pour ce bourreau !
Je ne comprends pas que quelqu'un ne soit pas intervenu avant...
Les voisins avaient visiblement à plusieurs reprises été témoins des mauvais traitements que cette pauvre chienne subissait.
Aucun des voisins n'a donc jamais porté plainte ?
Et s'il l'ont fait, pourquoi la gendarmerie n'est jamais intervenue ?

terreoceane | Thursday 05 July 2018

On pourra faire autant de commentaires que l'on veut, les bourreaux ont la "belle" vie devant eux .. puisqu’impunité est bien souvent prononcée envers eux...