Wednesday 12 September 2018 | 34

The first victory for beagles and golden retrievers locked up in Mézilles!

The first victory for beagles and golden retrievers locked up in Mézilles!

Mis à jour le 14 September 2018

A dog breeder in Mézilles has challenged our right to defend beagles and golden retrievers. They attacked the findings of our bailiff, yet authorized by a judge! The breeders were dismissed on September 12th 2018: our evidence will indeed be admissible in support of the complaint that was filed against them. For dogs who are intended for use in the field of animal experimentation, this must now come to an end. And the court's decision is a first step in the direction!

Hr blog

In Mézilles, the dog breeders seek to increase the size of their capacity... It is however already the largest breeding farm in the country. But here we have discovered that this is actually the regularization of an existing situation! We are asking for the closure of this breeding farm which targets beagles and golden retriever’s, who are destined for the laboratory benches and a life void from nature or love. Whether they are puppies, females continuously producing litters or males, all suffer from a lack of adequate living space, attention, the green grass, caresses and kindness.

Animal experimentation is an unnecessary evil! It is out of the question that France will continue to expand its dog breeding farms for this purpose, while science is in a perpetual search for progress, efficiency, reliability and ethics! Do not be left behind by duplicating outdated practices!

In the spring of 2018, we obtained - quite rare enough to be underlined - that a bailiff performs his observation within these buildings without joy. This visit supported the complaint lodged against the owners of this breeding farm, which, in our opinion, does not even fulfil its obligations regarding the accommodation of these dogs and their vital needs. In June 2018, we put our comments to the Director of Cabinet of the Prefect of Yonne, because it is the Prefecture that has to validate the legal authorization.

The breeders, have attacked the authorization of the bailiff and to prevent us from using the evidence obtained on the spot. Today though, the law has decided: the findings are maintained, and they have been ordered to pay us damages. And incidentally, they have also been forced to pay the bailiff’s fees as well!

Our complaint can now at least take advantage of this official statement whilst waiting for it to be fully investigated. It's a good round well won! Please sign the petition for the closure of the dog breeding farm of Mézilles in the Yonne, it’s for the dogs!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Animal experimentation is still resisting change: 2022’s detailed figures The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring

Comments 34

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Kaki | Friday 14 September 2018

Pour ces petits toutous ❤️

Manette | Friday 14 September 2018

Inadmissible !!!! Horrible !!!.
Les mots me manquent pour qualifier ces individus qui ne pensent qu'à s'enrichir sur les âmes et sur le dos de nos amis à quatre pattes !!!! .....

cloclo | Friday 14 September 2018

Comment ce genre d'élevage existe encore de nos jours!!!!

Nyny | Friday 14 September 2018
