Thursday 29 March 2018 | 43

The cat as a watchdog for the human populations

The cat as a watchdog for the human populations

Mis à jour le 28 May 2018

In order to anticipate the problems caused to humans by bisphenol A, which is an endocrine disruptor, a dozen cats had to suffer multiple intravenous injections in 2016, which can cause among other serious consequences, major pathologies of the thyroid.

Hr blog

Once again, the scientific protocol shows flaws, which are at the limit of scientific fraud, according to Dr. Ménache: cats do not have the same metabolism as humans, and yet this is what is put forward to justify their use as a point of comparison with humans. Another delusion, while humans are exposed to this endocrine disruptor in their environment and their food, scientists have injected bisphenol A intravenously into cats. They thereby have to endure numerous stressful injections and then repeated blood tests. 

Nothing in these experiments mentions any consideration about the suffering of these cats, even their mode of accommodation was kept silent during the months of the tests. It's a safe bet that nothing was done to help them; otherwise it would probably have been put forward.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

The 2022 figures on animal testing have finally come out... and are not reassuring In 2024, mice and rats continue to be subjected to the worst experiments in French laboratories

Comments 43

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Fany | Thursday 19 April 2018

Il est inadmissible de nos jours d'avoir recours aux animaux pour des expérimentations...De plus il a été reconnu que l'animal est un être vivant doté de sensibilité donc pourquoi ces expérimentations ne sont pas interdites ????

Blandine | Sunday 29 April 2018

Sauf erreur, cette loi ne protège pas les animaux de laboratoire mais seulement les animaux de compagnie. Hélas...

boycotter | Tuesday 17 April 2018

Il faut boycotter tous les produits testés sur les animaux,
refuser d'acheter

Cricrie 57 | Monday 16 April 2018

C'est lamentable... Comment peut on arrêter toutes ces expérimentations ? Votre association et d'autres encore se battent mais j'ai l'impression qu'on n'avance pas... C'est honteux et tellement horrible

Isa | Monday 16 April 2018

Les humains espèrent-ils se sauver en sacrifiant des animaux ? Les pollutions de toutes sortes, comme tant d'autres activités de nos semblables, détruisent la nature. Ce n'est pas essayer de remédier au mal en causant encore plus de douleurs qu'il faut faire, mais cesser de répandre le mal sur la planète.