Saturday 07 December 2019 | 281

Save our orcas! A sanctuary, not China!

Save our orcas! A sanctuary, not China!

Mis à jour le 12 December 2019

Inouk, Wikie, Moana and Keijo, four orcas born into captivity at Marineland of Antibes could
be transferred very soon to China. But once there, they would be exploited without mercy
until their last breath because there is no law that protects animals. We will not give up the
fight! We are asking the President of the Republic to act, we are calling for a mobilization
and gathering of our allies, experts and NGOs in the fight towards the closure of
Dolphinariums. Save our orcas, they need to be transferred to a sanctuary and certainly not
to China!

Hr blog

In the far east, the construction of ponds and breeding parks are multiplying visibly and in monumental proportions. The manufacturers at the head of these companies are ready for anything, not hesitating to provide "even at the source" to fill these pools, as in Russia...

The captive industry: ready for anything

But Western countries are in the midst of changes towards the captivity of wild animals. Thus, Vladimir Putin, after consulting with orca specialists accompanied by NGOs including One Voice, has courageously ordered the ban on the sale of orcas and belugas captured in Russian waters. All were released. A dead loss for the Russian billionaires at the head of this business: each living orca selling for a million dollars. And a lack of animals to exploit for this booming captive industry in China. The publicity campaigns and the disaffection of the public for these "shows" today has pushed Marineland to get rid of its orcas while still reaping the benefits. 

The group Parque Reunidos which owns, among others, Marineland, is one of those structures that are developing in this part of the world. We have just learned that it should make a transfer of orcas from France next January.

Hell is a dolphinarium pool in China

What awaits them in China is constant reproduction, the separation of Wikie and her sons Moana and Keijo, who is only 6 years old. Remember that in the wild, orcas live together in family groups all their lives... To this we can add exposure to diseases consistent with the decline of the immune system due to living in captivity, insanity resulting in self-harming behaviour, and death from exhaustion. In China, many captive cetaceans disappear without a trace, in total impunity...

Save our orcas!

But Inouk, Wikie, Moana and Keijo are orcas born in France. Marineland are responsible for them, if only on a moral plane. These are "our" orcas! We ask the President of the Republic to intervene, as his Russian counterpart did. We wrote to him, as well as the orca specialist, Dr. Ingrid Visser.

A sanctuary, not China!

We saw Valentin die during the storm of 2015 and rallied together for Inouk. The park is not in compliance with current regulations. Year after year, we are present alongside the orcas. We also demand relentlessly that the Ministry of Ecology rewrite the 2017 decree in the same manner and urgently so exchanges between parks can be stopped and also reproduction in captivity! Meanwhile, for more than two years, breeding has been in full swing for dolphins in French dolphinariums and orcas may see their conditions of their hellish detention worsen. They need to be transferred to a marine sanctuary! Parque Reunidos, listed on the stock exchange, has ample means to invest in the establishment of a space where they can live far from the public gaze, in semi-freedom and together. Please sign the petition!

Shouka, Inouk’s beloved big sister, sent to the United States in 2002 and kept alone for more than ten years in an empty pool, is currently circling the pools of Seaworld in California. After years of isolation that led to her madness, she has had her misery slightly lifted thanks to an older captive orca like herself. Shouka would also be involved in the transfer to China. She will certainly be forced to reproduce in addition to being indecently enslaved to amuse the crowd like the others. So, it is the five “French” orcas that will disappear forever if we allow the captivity industry to continue to operate.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

The court prohibit Marineland from relocating the orcas before the end of the independent assessment Moana has just died in the chlorinated Marineland prison, the only place he has seen in his twelve years of life. One Voice is going to court again

Comments 281

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craboudoune | Sunday 08 November 2020

C'est inhumain et d'une faiblesse coupable que de remettre ces animaux à la Chine.
C'est une foire identique à celle du Moyen-Âge, que de les exposer ainsi.
Leur vie est en milieu naturel et leur réadaptation doit être faite, à nos coûts, car c'est de notre fait qu'ils sont réduits à l'esclavage.

Potam | Friday 07 August 2020

Arrêtons ce massacre quand on sait qu'un animal de cette envergure doit minimum parcourir 500km comment peut-on se regarder dans une glace que de soutenir ce cirque infernal.
Oui au sanctuaire. Évidemment pas une liberté totale cela serait trop risqué pour ces animaux qui ont toujours vécu en captivité. Mais oui à plus d'espace et leur permettre de vivre et mourir en famille sans jamais plus être séparés.

Velasco Consuelo Serena | Thursday 16 January 2020

Ce qui se passe est inhumain. Il est absolument interdit d'envoyer les épaulards de France en Chine ... pour un sort horrible ... Je proteste contre ce trafic: non à la Chine !!!

Rambo7 | Tuesday 31 December 2019

Que le pognon qui compte. Surtout en Chine. Aucune pitié pour les animaux. Chien, chat, aileron de requin, corne de rhinocéros, défense d'éléphant, etc, etc...C'est un cauchemar pour les animaux.