Wednesday 20 December 2017 | 34

Orca, the tortured dog: the height of cruelty

Orca, the tortured dog: the height of cruelty

Mis à jour le 04 March 2019

Cruelty knows no bounds, as indicated by this new case handled by Zoe Cell. This young dog called Orca is a martyr. He was found abandoned in garbage and dying in the worst of suffering, its body was already in decomposition. One Voice brings a complaint to stop the disgrace.

Hr blog

The ordeal of a dog called Orca

On November 29th, at Fourmies, in the North, a young dog of 2 years old was found in agony in a state of advanced decomposition. Lying in a hut among sacks of cement and garbage, Orca endured this awful suffering. His ragged skin, looked like cardboard, was falling apart and her flesh and tendons were alive. It was thought he was dead, but he was still breathing! Nothing could be done to save him, and the only way to shorten his suffering was to put him down. During their questioning, the owners tried to explain the facts, invoking three different versions! So, they pretended that their dog had scabies, they also argued that he was burned or was in a battle with another dog ... Many questions remain unresolved. A certainty: November 12th, twelve days before the intervention, Orca did not present any injuries, as evidenced by a photograph taken on that date (photo of One of the articles). What happened next? The Zoe Cell intends to have the last word of the story and One Voice files a complaint. In addition, the custody of another dog was taken away from the owners. Tyson, a four-month-old puppy, was placed in a quarantined shelter.

The Zoe cell is on alert

Thanks to its network of informants, the Zoe Cell remains constantly on the alert and intends to obtain exemplary judgments for all those guilty of acts of cruelty. On November 12th, 2017 another owner was taken into custody. Suspected of clandestine breeding, the authorities have discovered in his home in Pantin (93) a dozen corpses of dogs! Around them were also Malinois living dogs and a caged fox. Of course, again, One Voice filed a complaint.

With One Voice and the Zoe Cell, say "No" to cruelty, please sign our petition so that all violence is condemned, regardless of the victim.

Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 34

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Joyce | Wednesday 20 December 2017

Peine sévère pour tous les individus qui maltraitent les animaux il faut que cela cesse

Dan | Wednesday 20 December 2017

J'ai simplement honte que l'humain soit sur cette belle planète.

deudeuch | Wednesday 20 December 2017

le pauvre loulou j'en ai de la peine, il a du souffrir énormément, il faut punir sévèrement les propriétaires et leur interdire à vie de posseder un animal.

Lulumonbeauchat2016 | Wednesday 20 December 2017

il ne faut pas laisser ça sans réagir et punir à la hauteur de l'acte subi par ce pauvre loulou, c'est un acte de barbarie !