Thursday 14 September 2017 | 47

One Voice calls for justice for Chevelu the Cat!

One Voice calls for justice for Chevelu the Cat!

Mis à jour le 25 March 2019

Draguignan, on the night of May 30th 2017, Chevelu a little cat dies under the force of heavy blows. Thanks to the work of the police, the culprit a recidivist, has been found. One Voice will be a civil party at the trial, on September 15th, for the violence to be condemned as such.

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The terrible death of Chevelu

The skull of Chevelu was smashed. Traces of blood were observed on the wall of the building near which we found his little dead body. His wounds testified to the violence unleashed on him. For this homeless cat, who struggled on a daily basis to survive, his existence ended from the worst of cruelty. His torturer, who tried to incriminate a gang of young people, was identified by the police, after a thorough investigation. His confessions, which join those of his companion, hint at the terrible scenario of Chevelu’s last moments. Chevelu knew him, Monsieur M. fed him sometimes ... His mistake? Sitting on Mr M’s scooter and supposedly urinating on it... It was enough to cause an uncontrollable anger. And when confident, Chevelu let himself be approached, he then received the first kick. So strong that he was thrown against the wall. Two other kicks followed. Safety shoes do not forgive. Note that, according to Pierre Gallego, consultant veterinarian for One Voice, the conclusions of the autopsy report are more like this "think of an action exerting a centrifugal force on the head, probably by holding the cat by the tail or the hind limbs and projecting the head against the wall."

Then, Mr. M. made up his story, threw off his shoes, the murder weapon, and set up a scenario with his friend so as not to be accused...

A recidivist torturer

Ms. C. confessed to being afraid of him. That would explain why she protected him ... It must be said that his criminal record is heavy: he has already been convicted for starving his dog in his own apartment. Their child of barely 7 months is placed in custody. He was to visit him the next day. For One Voice, this drama is a new illustration of the link between violence against animals and humans. The blows fall on the victims, regardless of the species to which they belong. Cruelty is blind. The executioners attack the weakest which permit terror to prevail. We remember the case of the dog Léa, whose rapist was already known for acts of paedophilia…This link cannot be ignored.

Violence must be condemned

September 15th, the association will be a civil party at the trial of Mr. M. His goal? For us to obtain an exemplary punishment, which will put him this dangerous man away, having already proved that he is capable of the worst. He must not create a new victim. His partner is scared for herself, but also for her cats and her daughter. Yet today, he faces 2 years in prison, a derisory sentence in comparison to the violence committed against Chevelu. If a human had perished under his blows, it would be life imprisonment. Why the difference? To condemn violence for what it is and not according to the one on which it is exercised. 

For a criminal policy to evolve and for violence to be condemned regardless of the victim, please sign and share our petition

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In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 47

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cojeunet | Friday 15 September 2017

Que justice soit faite et bien faite !

Janine | Friday 15 September 2017

qui est capable d'actes de cruauté envers les animaux l'est également envers les hommes, ses congénères, et mérite la même peine, j'espère que la justice en décidera de cette façon !

sorcieredebretagne | Friday 15 September 2017

Une peine EXEMPLAIRE doit être infligée à ce taré, afin de faire un exemple pénal et démontrer que les actes de barbarie sur animaux ne resteront pas impunis, et appliquer les lois et décrets nécessaires à la protection des animaux, sauvages ou de compagnie (Code civil et Code rural).

Isabelle | Friday 15 September 2017

En lisant le récit de cet affreux "homicide" volontaire - car le fait de maquiller les faits et la scène peut vraiment être assimilé à un acte commis de manière semblable sur l'un de nos congénères humains, non ? - le mieux n'est sûrement pas de souhaiter la mort de cet homme comme certains mais bien plutôt de faire évoluer les disciplines psychiatriques pour qu'elles se penchent absolument sur toute forme de mal-être, de dégénérescence comportementale avec l'appui de structures sociales efficaces qui puissent signaler ces cas le plus tôt possible... car de telles violences extrêmes et irrépressibles s'exerceront toujours sur un semblable à un moment ou un autre... conjoint, enfant, parent... alors que dire de personnes qui ne sont pas des proches ?...
Il faut décider enfin dans quel genre de société nous souhaitons vivre et quel monde nous voulons offrir à des enfants... l'éternel schéma qui tourne en boucle depuis des millénaires ou une société qui prend en charge ses propres dérives... en faisant enfin quelque chose de concrètement fort et cela vaut pour chacun - faire preuve de courage en ne se voilant pas la face et en signalant les actes de maltraitance, de barbarie de toute sorte et, enfin, en mettant en marche une batterie de prises en charge et de solutions concrètes pour soulager toute cette souffrance qu'elle soit donnée ou reçue... et enfin sanctionner ce qui n'a pas trouvé de solution efficace. Merci One Voice pour défendre le respect dû à toute forme de vie et à ce garçon qui a lancé sa pétition pour faire connaître la vérité sur le cas de Chevelu et à tous les autres qui font quelque chose pour que notre société change de regard et de comportement et soit enfin une société adulte et responsable