Monday 27 January 2020 | 47

New scandal concerning "hunting" dogs

New scandal concerning "hunting" dogs

Mis à jour le 01 September 2020

Cases of "hunting" dog abuse follow one another and are desperately similar. We have just been alerted to the ordeal experienced by two of them thanks to the vigilance of the neighbours. We will defend them!

Hr blog

It was howls of death that first alerted the residents. Last August, a couple of residents in the town of Allaire, in Morbihan, worried about hearing dogs barking day and night in the area. Quickly, witnesses suspect a shady affair. Armed with a simple tape recorder, they record the horribly audible cries of animals as they come from a house at the other end of a field. And then, after two reports to their town hall, they are emboldened and decide to go and meet the owner of the dogs themselves in order to talk to him.

Abandoned dogs

When they arrived on the scene, they were surprised to discover an uninhabited house…. Indeed, a neighbour explains to them that the person who lived there, an elderly man, left his home by allowing his hunter nephew to use a tiny piece of his land for his dogs. Upon discovering the dismal, dirty and smelly enclosure, the couple were shocked: two terrified and skinny animals stand there, among the rubbish, in immense distress. One is hidden under a corrugated iron sheet which is supposed to provide them with shelter! Abandoned all the time outside, subjected to all types of bad weather, surrounded by a concrete wall on one side and a fence on the other, the unfortunate dogs hardly ever receive a visit from their "owner" outside of his hunting times. Deprived of water and food, they are reduced to eating their own faeces!  

Act fast

Catastrophic, the couple stepped up their efforts with the authorities to save these poor dogs. Sadly, time drags and while humans procrastinate and these animals wither away. For now, they are still in the hands of the hunter who has seen fit to place them in an enclosure ... which is even smaller! Fortunately, the witnesses have also just informed us of this sinister affair and the Zoe Cell seizes the opportunity by taking this to court. We have filed a complaint against the dog’s owners or keepers who abandon them to the point of leaving them to stagnant like rubbish when not using them for hunting. And we are also urgently calling for the seizure of all the animals held by these people to protect other potential victims!

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

Is it the end of underground hunting with hounds? Five new victories! Foxes: the legal battle continues... Stop this carnage!

Comments 47

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

sylvia | Thursday 30 January 2020

Il y a vraiment un sérieux problème en France: d'abord chez nos chasseurs, ensuite chez nos élus, qui semblent beaucoup protéger ces derniers !
Il faudra voter autrement aux prochaines élections.

Mic | Thursday 30 January 2020

Vite !!! Pour ces braves chiens qui eux sont fidèles

une amie des animaux | Thursday 30 January 2020

Mais comment cet animal humain peut-il continuer à vivre comme si de rien était, alors qu'il inflige des maltraitances au point d'ignorer ses 2 chiens, de les abandonner à leur triste sort sans soin et sans nourriture ; c'est immonde.
Que d'ignorance, de mépris et d'irresponsabilité envers des créatures vivantes !!! Merci encore une fois à toutes les équipes de One Voice pour leur détermination à sauver les victimes de ces gens sans cœur ni compassion !!!

Loutre | Thursday 30 January 2020

LAMENTABLE ET HONTEUX. Comment peut-on laisser à l'abandon des êtres vivants qui ne demandent que de l'affection? Ces tortionnaires doivent être punis très sévèrement. Il faudrait que le maire de la commune fasse le nécessaire dans la plus grande urgence.