Wednesday 18 October 2023 | 24

Moana has just died in the chlorinated Marineland prison, the only place he has seen in his twelve years of life. One Voice is going to court again

Moana has just died in the chlorinated Marineland prison, the only place he has seen in his twelve years of life. One Voice is going to court again

Mis à jour le 28 December 2023

Anger, astonishment... this is how Moana's death makes us feel. It has been years since One Voice alerted public powers and the legal system of the ordeal that he was living through alongside Inouk, Wikie, and Keijo. We are launching legal proceedings and asking for access to this very young orca’s autopsy. Responsibility must be clearly established and the three other orcas must be put into a safe place.

Hr blog

Moana: an adolescent that was born and then died despite our warning calls

Today, Wikie has lost his favourite son, at the age of just 12 years. Keijo has seen his big brother die. It is no longer possible to leave the three orcas that are left in their current state. Inouk, whose health is extremely worrying, Wikie, and Keijo, who since this summer have shown visible signs of their poor condition, must be taken care of immediately.

For years, we have been documenting and condemning the worrying declining state of the pools

Today, we are calling on Christophe Béchu and Sarah El Haïry to finally intervene for these precious animals, whose high decree of evolution is no longer a mystery. For two years, we have been asking the Ministry of Ecology to discuss existing solutions for these orcas born in France.

We are again proposing to the Ministry and to Marineland that specialist orca veterinarians intervene at the poolside while there is still time. And we are begging the State to immediately stop any provision of an export permit. These are our orcas, they are their responsibility. Let this indecent silence end, allowing scandalous commercial transactions to happen off the back of this family, the only one in captivity in the world.

Appropriate care, along with the best specialists in the world, and finally they will have a future.

One Voice is demanding justice for Moana and asking that his family be urgently taken care of

Today, we are going to publish an article, supported by scientific studies, presenting the importance of not separating the orcas kept at Marineland in Antibes, because such separation of a familial group could mean such violence and stress that it could prove fatal for these fragile orcas. In September, we finally managed to get an independent expert assessment ordered by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal, just for Moana and his uncle Inouk.

The false pretences of the dolphinarium that pretends to be transparent when they are right in front of you

Today, Marineland is acting as though they are being transparent, but why did they fight our request for an independent expert assessment? Why have we had to battle inch by inch for what, in so many other cases, is considered a formality?

A specialist orca veterinarian, having worked for another dolphinarium, went there for us two weeks ago, and his new report is unequivocal: the state of the four orcas is worrying. The proof is definitive now.

In light of these new observations, we have filed a request for protective emergency interim proceedings at the Nice Administrative Tribunal. Because without this, it is impossible to assure us that the orcas will not be sent to Japan before the expert assessment ordered by the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal can be carried out.

Seeing orcas die while yelling into the abyss

We have been right from the start, and this gives us no satisfaction: Moana was in danger, he was wasting away, his skin, the sudden collapse of his dorsal fin, his sterotyped behaviour and the state of his teeth... all expressing his distress. It was nothing more than a cry for help, and we were the only ones to carry his clear, distinct, and vivacious voice. This evening, our hearts are full of rage. The Ministry of Ecology has not lifted a finger to help him, Inouk, Keijo, or Wikie.

The 2021 law against mistreatment supposed to protect these giants of the ocean is nothing but smoke and mirrors; unfortunately, we were not wrong.

We are launching legal proceedings in which we are asking to receive the autopsy report and for specialists to be given immediate access to the orcas.
We remain more determined than ever to try everything we can for Inouk, Wikie, and Keijo.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

One Voice
Hr blog

In the subject

The court prohibit Marineland from relocating the orcas before the end of the independent assessment Marineland: One Voice has obtained a temporary ban on moving the orcas - hearing on 16/01/2024

Comments 24

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

King | Thursday 26 October 2023

Nous sommes atterrés de voir ces souffrances et il n'y a pas de mots pour décrire ces horreurs et le laxisme des autorités. Elles attendent que tous soient morts ? Il est inadmissible qu'il faille tant se battre pour faire entendre une voix de bon sens. Honte à notre espèce.
Nous vous félicitons pour votre ténacité.
Bien cordialement

olivo | Thursday 26 October 2023

Madame et Monsieur Le Ministre de l'écologie, SAUVEZ CES QUATRE ORQUES. La place de ces orques est dans la nature et non à servir de loisir aux humains.

Patricia | Sunday 22 October 2023

Mon Dieu mais quelle horreur, comment ces gens ont-ils pu rester sourds à toutes vos alertes ? C'est la preuve que seul l'argent les intéresse et les animaux ne sont utilisés que pour ça. Il faut absolument alerter les gens, peut-être faire des campagnes dans les écoles, collèges, lycées et facs.

Roxana | Sunday 22 October 2023

Marilenand es una jaula de muerte para las orcas!!!! Debe cerrar!!! No entiendo cómo puede haber gente subhumana que le gusta el sufrimiento animal!!!! Espero que marilenand quiebre!! Nadie valla a ver a las orcas sufrir!!! Malditos!!!