Monday 04 June 2018 | 12

Moana a child from a syringe

Moana a child from a syringe

Mis à jour le 06 December 2019

Moana, the first orca that was born by artificial insemination in Europe suffered the rejection of his mother. His sister has been sent thousands of miles away, they cannot play together anymore. His life is one of boredom and obedience and with surrogate parents ...

Hr blog

Moana is a male killer whale born in Marineland Antibes on March 16th, 2011. His mother is Wikie and his father is Ulises, a wild orca captured in Iceland and held at SeaWorld in San Diego, California.

Moana was the third orca in the world to be born by artificial insemination, and the first ever in Europe. It is unclear whether this mode of reproduction, still experimental, will one day affect the health of this infant. The trainers say he is smart. This means for them that by the age of one year, Moana had already performed a range of forced movements, which most orcas only learn later, after long years of training. He had understood everything just by looking at his mother. And we understand his enthusiasm to do well!

In the closed, confines of the world where he is forced to live, within this glass jar without any rocks, any seaweed or any fish where he has been turning around and around in circles since his birth, the slightest distraction is worth its weight in gold. One would fight to be able to repeat those human words over and over again, not unlike a scratched record. Such is the life that is imposed on Wikie, so much boredom weighs heavy on the this big pool where under the heat of the midday sun live these big black fish with the sadness in their eyes.

Moana was very independent very early. Too early perhaps, because very quickly his mother left the trainers the burden of his education.

In 2013, the small orca with a hopeless future became the older brother of Keijo, a baby clearly neither desired nor expected. A year later, his half-sister Amaya was born from the same father as him. But he will never have the happiness of playing with her, since she is was taken thousands of miles away, to the pools of San Diego.

Yvon Godefroid
Hr blog

In the subject

The court prohibit Marineland from relocating the orcas before the end of the independent assessment Marineland: One Voice has obtained a temporary ban on moving the orcas - hearing on 16/01/2024

Comments 12

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Maryline Merlin | Thursday 21 June 2018

Les orques sont des mammifères qui vivent en famille d'une quinzaine d'individus à l'état sauvage. Les enfermer dans des bassins où ils peuvent à peine s'ébattre où ils tournent en rond 24 heures sur 24 est une abomination. Boycottons ces parcs afin que ces magnifiques cétacés puissent mener leur vie libres avec leurs congénères !

Christine | Thursday 21 June 2018

Plus jamais d'Animaux dans les cages, aquarium, commerce, etc....Laissez les libres pas prisonniers de vos fantasmes

Papillon et libellule | Thursday 21 June 2018

Bonjour, Arrêtons, mais arrêtons de vouloir tout diriger (pour les animaux). Laissons les vivre en liberté...Rien n'est plus beau que de voir ces êtres vivants dans les mers et océans, en liberté. Battons nous plutôt contre ces braconniers ou autres tueurs d'animaux qui les dissémine. Et notre grande excuse pour conserver des zoos ou autres parcs nationaux c'est : "Oui mais si l'on ne fait pas ceci, bientôt il n y en aura plus ! ". Mais à qui la faute. Alors là encore, faut prendre le problème à la racine.
A bientôt

nicole | Thursday 21 June 2018

Un animal sauvage doit être dans son milieu naturel, avec tout son biotope ; le large, la tranquillité que l 'animal a choisi, les rochers, les algues, la chasse pour sa nourriture etc
Dans un bassin tout est artificiel , et surtout il n'a aucune liberté .
changer les rôles , prenez sa place . Des personnes sont mortes pour la liberté
l animal meurt par manque de liberté , par son exploitation surtout financière.
J aimerais savoir si ces parcs animaliers donnent de leur temps gratuitement pour la protection animale ?? A bon entendeur .