Thursday 23 November 2023 | 17

Melles: the hunting season for goats is open!

Melles: the hunting season for goats is open!

Mis à jour le 26 March 2024

It is well known: goats are particularly destructive animals who represent a huge danger for public safety. With this in mind, the Melles (31) mayor has chosen a radical (and illegal) solution: to authorise hunters to kill a group of goats that have been abandoned in the hills of the village. And this is even despite the existence of numerous alternatives. Of course, it is always the same individuals who pay the price: animals. We are attacking this interim decree before the Toulouse Administrative Tribunal. The hearing is on 28 November 2023 at 10am.

Hr blog

Photo: Melles Collectif Preservons Melles with their kind permission.

Update from 4 December 2023:

On 1 December, the judge at the Toulouse Administrative Tribunal proved us right and suspended the mayor’s decree authorising the killing of several dozen goats. For him, damage to stone walls and scratches to the bodywork of a vehicle are minor and attributing this to ‘wandering goats’ cannot be proven. This killing is therefore not necessary, appropriate, or commensurate.

A great victory for all animals who will not be slain by hunters’ bullets. And a very clear message sent to mayors: killing animals is not a solution. It is about time that we learn to cohabit with other living beings.

Goats: ferocious animals

A few weeks ago, the mayor from a town in the Alpes-Maritimes department received some chilling information: four goats had the bad idea of... dropping a few stones onto the tennis courts. Without a second thought, the councillor authorised for them to be killed. The result: 4 animals were killed. We have condemned this situation but, clearly, the goats are easy to blame. In Melles, there are almost one hundred of them whose slaughter has been ordered, for ridiculous reasons.

The law allows the mayor to take measures to find a solution for the presence of “ferocious and destructive” animals. It is well known that goats are bloodthirsty animals who cause very significant damage throughout France. It is difficult to remain serious faced with such absurdity...

A doubly illegal massacre

Why not look for alternatives? Let’s remember that the mayor has significant power at their disposal to manage the presence of stray animals. If we are to believe the decree, there is no possible solution because the goats would move into an area that is not accessible to vehicles. And this even though they are actually accused of causing damage... to vehicles. How can anyone understand this?

Once again, the reality is very far from what is put forward by the town. It is about nothing more or less than offering easy targets to hunters. Under normal circumstances, administrative battles are entrusted to “wildlife control officers”, the State’s combat arms against animals. But, in Melles, the massacre is entrusted to local shooters. The cherry on the cake: this operation will happen... throughout the whole season. They have to make the pleasure last.

For dozens of goats who are at the point of becoming the umpteenth victims of this cruel hobby, and even though 60% of French people consider hunting to be ineffective in fighting against supposed damage caused by animals, we are attacking this decree urgently before the Toulouse Administrative Tribunal, where we will give them a voice during a hearing on 28 November at 10am.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Maxime Lambret
Hr blog

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Comments 17

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Nanou | Wednesday 29 November 2023

Lamentable, comment peut-on procéder à l'abattage de ces chèvres, sous prétexte qu'elles ont fait tomber quelques cailloux, au contraire, ces mêmes chèvres permettent de faire des économies à la commune, en entretenant les fossés, les chemins et autres, alors qu'il faudrait payer un humain pour ça, sans compter le coût du matériel.

Jose | Tuesday 28 November 2023

Les personnes qui nous gouvernent quelqu'en soit leur étiquette, sont trop lâches et bien trop occupés par leur discorde pour s'intéresser à la souffrance animale.
Depuis quand a-t-on décidé que de pauvres chèvres sont des animaux féroces ?
Dans quel monde, vivons-nous ?

Hannah | Sunday 26 November 2023

Je signe et je commente cette situation car je trouve que cette partie de l'humanite à qui on autorise le droit de tuer tous les êtres vivants qui n'ont rien demandé, donc je vous demande d'arrêter de chasser des animaux sans défense. Cette cruauté est insupportable. Il faut faire bouger les choses en arrêtant la chasse de certains animaux qui sont inoffensif pour l'homme !!!!
Apparament ces pauvres petites chèvres dérangeraient les joueurs de tennis, c'est révoltant de les laisser faire car ces personnes massacrent aussi des blaireaux qui n'ont causé aucun problème. Tout est bon pour autoriser cette horreur, avec la bénédiction de nos bons présidents de la République. Pas d'état d'âme de ces Messieurs, on offre la mort, mais où est le problème ?

Patricia | Sunday 26 November 2023

Quand on donne du pouvoir à une idiote on voit le résultat.
Et bien madame le maire de Melles vous vous donnez tellement de mal pour faire la publicité de votre commune que ça mérite de le répandre sur le net. C'est ce que je m'en vais faire.