Friday 06 April 2018 | 9

Lechmee, Mina and Kamala exhibited in the streets, One Voice sues for ill-treatment

Lechmee, Mina and Kamala exhibited in the streets, One Voice sues for ill-treatment

Mis à jour le 28 May 2018

This Friday, April 6th, 2018 afternoon, a video was posted on Facebook, in which we can see Lechmee, Mina and Kamala, forced to follow their trainer, with ankus in hand, through the streets of Rambervillers in Lorraine.

Hr blog

We file a complaint for mistreatment (which is added to the previous complaint in progress), and ask the Prefecture for their withdrawal from the circus.

A van precedes them, music plays at full volume. Announcements are made into the microphone, thundering through empty streets, the rest of the circus troop distributing leaflets for the evening performance, dancing and parading, insensitive to the distress of the three elephants.

Lechmee has a disabled foot, she is also blind. She only travels with her two companions, and Mina even helps her to feed herself as her health is worrying. According to the texts (the decree says "circuses" from the 18th of March 2011); Lechmee should have been for a long time now in a sanctuary. Together, the elephants have accumulated more than 120 years of captivity! On all our videos, we can see that they have developed strong stereotypes.

They will do several hundred kilometres on the roads in the coming weeks. However, after Diana's death last weekend on a Spanish road, and Maya's damning report about her health, pointing to her advanced age as a reason for retiring her from the circus, these are two strong signals ... Just yesterday we sent a letter to the Ministry of Ecology, calling on him to free the elephants from the circuses.

We had already initiated a specific procedure for these three elderly elephants. The complaint has been under investigation for several months. It's endless. For Lechmee, Mina and Kamala, it must be an eternity. Following the parade filmed today we add another complaint for ill-treatment to the Prosecutor of Epinal, with an application for the seizure of three elephants.

We send immediately in parallel, a letter to the Prosecutor of Epinal with a request for withdrawal of this circus, and a copy to the Ministry of Ecological and Supportive Transition. The state is responsible for the welfare of captive wild animals on their territory. The Prefecture must guarantee that they are well treated. This parade is the proof - if it needed yet another - which this is not the case.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 9

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Alexis | Saturday 07 April 2018


cody | Friday 06 April 2018

Mais quand cela va t'il s'arrêter !!!! Ces pauvres éléphants me brisent le coeur.... et les autre qui les exibent!!! Quelle HONTE !!! Et cette justice qui ne fait rien et qui prends son temps pendant que de NOBLES animaux (dans leur environnement naturel) meurent sur les routes, dans des cages!!! On leur a pris toute leur beauté, élégance, sagesse, que l'homme est immonde!!!

Janine | Friday 06 April 2018

Liberté pour les 3 éléphants

PIMPRENELLE | Friday 06 April 2018

Quand va t'on en France interdire les cirques avec animaux. Les animaux ne sont pas faits pour vivre en cage et apprendre suite à un dressage cruel "des tours" pour amuser certains. Joseph Bouglionne a été un précurseur en arrêtant L'EXPLOITATION DE CES PAUVRES ANIMAUX.
De nombreux députés demandent l'interdiction de ces cirques mais ne sont pas écoutés.
Il faut informer la population : comment ? En diffusant pour ceux qui sont sur les réseaux sociaux le texte de ONE VOICE. Seule la pression de l'opinion publique parviendra à faire arrêter ces souffrances animalières. De nombreux pays européens se sont déjà prononcés pour l'interdiction totale ou partielle des animaux dans les cirques. POURQUOI LA FRANCE NE LE FAIT PAS ?