Wednesday 09 January 2019 | 32

Foxes or the perpetual hunting season in Moselle

Foxes or the perpetual hunting season in Moselle

Mis à jour le 23 January 2019

Again, the Prefect of Moselle attacks the foxes by issuing an additional authorization to hunters to hunt them, without the slightest proof of necessity and against the opinion of the population. As often, it is more nor less just a favour granted to a group with a special interest in the detriment of the biodiversity and wildlife. We challenge this decree.

Hr blog

Last July, the Prefect of Moselle has issued a decree authorizing for two years - so until July 10th, 2020 – Wildlife Control Officers to hunt foxes in addition to the official hunting season that already allows them to persecute these animals to an excess. As always, the prefect does not publish the proof of "this absolute necessity" (a criterion however imposed by the law) of these particular hunts, nor the "damages" caused to the breeding by the foxes.

What about the public opinion, also denied again? 380 opinions were opposed to the draft decree, only 8 were in his favour...

The publishing of a relaxed order for two years allows the Prefect to evade all consultations and formalities of shorter orders. This is a worrying signal, in fact a permit to the hunters, a permanent license to kill. However, foxes are on the list of "huntable" animals in the Moselle only for 2019. This decree presumes that they will be part of it in 2020, without any foundation.

The hearing is scheduled at the Administrative Court of Strasbourg on January 16th at 9.30 am. One Voice will be the voice of the foxes and it will be heard in Moselle where they are particularly targeted, not only by hunters but also by the authorities.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 32

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Romero | Saturday 12 January 2019

Ils ont fait quoi les renards pour mériter ça ? Il n'y a aucun animal nuisible, le seul nuisible c'est l'homme !

Fairytales58 | Saturday 12 January 2019

Je pense aberrant de se priver d’un auxilliaire efficace comme le renard dans l’agriculture. Il régularise les populations de campagnols, musaraignes et rats . Leur augmentation là où l’homme a mis le renard en déclin oblige les paysans à recourir à des substances chimiques qui peuvent également empoisonner chiens, chats et bêtes sauvages. L’echinococcose qui est souvent mise en avant pourrait être évitée en vermifugeant les renards comme on a pratiqué en les vaccinant contre la rage.

sylvia | Friday 11 January 2019

La France se distingue vraiment ! Ses chasseurs aussi ! Est-ce le signe de notre considérable manque de culture ?

Mic | Friday 11 January 2019

Sauvegarde des animaux !!!