Tuesday 02 January 2018 | 49

For Maya, the Prefect has responded (largely) to our requests.

For Maya, the Prefect has responded (largely) to our requests.

Mis à jour le 23 July 2018

At the end of November, we invited the circus and their lawyer to look at another way out of this situation, by proposing to buy Maya from them, to save her in another way than by the legal one.

Hr blog

No response back from them except perhaps from legal threats. The circus does not obviously seek anything for the well-being of this elephant! We would have praised their generosity, but no, they seem to be ready to just let her die slowly.

We received in the wake of these proceedings, an "urgent summons" demanding the withdrawal of any communication defending Maya on our online media platforms, papers, etc., and for an apology from us!

At the same time, the Prefect of Lot-et-Garonne had received the advice from many international experts that we had recently put together, as well as the two letters from leading French institutions for veterinarians; and she has also heard public opinion expressed through our mobilizations at every moment (the gatherings, the signatures of the petition #JusticePourMaya, and more generally by your presence on social network sites that are on our side). The parallel action of these two components had probably played a major role in the Prefect's decision to order a new veterinary inspection.

We had written to her to ask her to take into account certain aspects of this inspection, and by the answer she gave us, it seems that we have been heard!

Given the legal situation, it is unfortunately impossible for us to say more. Even if our frustration and our impatience to all of this is strong, and that Maya is not yet free, we see this as a great step forward!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 49

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Drfran | Thursday 04 January 2018

Merci à vous OneVoice pour votre action et votre prise de risques ; il faut quand même déplorer notre administration qui prend son temps car en effet chaque jour qui passe aggrave l’état de Maya, sa souffrance et même si la préfète abonde dans ce sens elle ne se presse pas pour faire intervenir les services vétérinaires qui viendront quand Maya ne sera plus .... Quant à donner raison au cirque et interdire toute publicité sur le sort de Maya c’est inadmissible, honteux .... L’humain dans le règne animal est bien la pire espèce qui utilise son intelligence pour être plus cruel, plus vil ....

alice | Thursday 04 January 2018

Où est Maya actuellement, dans quelle ville? J'aimerais bien y aller pour dire à ce cirque mon écoeurement et sa monstrueuse bêtise.
A quoi sert d'interdire de tuer des éléphants si nous on les tue et les martyrise à petits feux?

Cloé | Thursday 04 January 2018

J'espère que 2018 verra la libération de Maya!!!
Que ses propriétaires comprendront qu'elle mérite une retraite heureuse!!Qu'ils ont un coeur!
Merci à tous ceux qui s' impliquent avec tant de persévérance!

Pat | Thursday 04 January 2018

Je félicite toutes ces personnes appartenant à des associations pour la défense des animaux, qui manifestent contre les maltraitances inimaginables infligées aux animaux, êtres vivants sur Terre. Les animaux ont aussi tous les droits de vivre dignement avec beaucoup de respect.
Laissons les animaux sauvages dans leur milieu naturel.
Je suis contre l'exhibition des animaux dans les cirques, les publicités....
A quel moment la justice va-elle donner son verdict pour Maya ? J'espère que Maya pourra trouver dans un jour prochain une retraite paisible avec des soins adéquats.