Wednesday 08 November 2017 | 72

Death of Nao, a murdered cat

Death of Nao, a murdered cat

Mis à jour le 25 March 2019

After Chevelu, Griffin and many others, Nao is added to the long list of cats that are victims of abuse and cruelty inflicted by humans. Our association cannot let such crimes pass unnoticed and must intervene: Zoe Cell is mobilized to unravel this sordid story with the support of the police and the justice system for this poor deceased feline.

Hr blog

Nao, found dead

October 31st2017 in the evening, in Bassens-en-Savoie, Nao leaves the house of Madame X. He walks from time to time in the surrounding area and in a meadow near the home. Every morning and after his nocturnal escapades, the cat is there waiting as soon as the shutters open. But this November 1st2017, Nao is not there.

Worried, Mrs. X left a message on Pet Alert and went in search of her little companion, without success. The next day, on her way to work, she finds him in the meadow. Nao is lying dead on his right flank: his tail is torn off, his face swollen and bruised, his eyes are lifeless and opaque ...

Fortunately, Madame X is not alone in discovering the body: a policeman passes at the same time and also takes note of the animal’s wounds. The cat has no blood on the body and no trace is found at the scene: murdered in another place, Nao was most likely moved to the meadow. After gathering the necessary information to file a complaint at the Chambéry police station, Mrs X was authorized to bury Nao to give him a dignified end.

One Voice mobilizes with the Zoe Cell

When compiling the information, Mrs X learns that she can receive the support from an association "to help victims of criminal offenses". It is therefore to our association that she turns and in particularly to our Zoe Cell, defending animal victims of cruelty. On the police side, the investigation is open. On the spot where Nao was found, a camera is spotted by Mrs X: She hopes that the images can help the investigation and identify the torturer or torturers of this small cat ... From our side, we will graciously defend the cat and having already filed a complaint for acts of cruelty. Because we are convinced that acts of such violence are not tolerable on any living being!

A demand for an exemplary sentence for acts of cruelty

The association cannot allow humans to perform such acts of violence on our dear companions of life. Last September we filed a civil law suit in the courts for Chevelu, who died of the violent beatings from a human. Following the trial, the torturer was sentenced to six months in prison. As a reminder, the latter had let his dog die before putting an end to the life of the little cat. He had even been deprived of custody of his child; a finding supporting the idea that there is a link between violence on animals and that done to humans.

The case is to follow but, in the meantime, we invite you to sign the petition so that all violence, whomever the victim will be condemned. The list must no longer lengthen and those responsible for acts of cruelty must be held accountable for their actions!

Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 72

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EstelleR | Tuesday 30 January 2018

Il est temps que la justice Française considère les animaux à leur juste valeur: des membres de la famille, des êtres vivants dotés d'une grande sensibilité, d'émotions. Il est intolérable de les battre, les torturer, les assassiner, au même titre qu'un être humain.

Divine Coco | Monday 15 January 2018

Justice pour NAO et tous les autres animaux, pauvres victimes sans voix sans défense de monstres humains, de véritables psychopathes. Il faut des sanctions exemplaires, il faut faire réfléchir, s'ils risquent gros, forte amende et prison sans sursis, il y en aura peut-être moins, enfin j'espère.

fifi | Monday 15 January 2018

"Svp justice on n'en peut plus de ces assassinats répétés d'une violence de plus en plus inouïe et dont on peut imaginer sans mal la souffrance insupportable, innommable avec une queue arrachée et la face tuméfiée , bleuie qu'a vécu ce petit innocent si mignon parti tout simplement en balade. Justice par pitié réveillez-vous ! Votre laxisme ne fait qu'aggraver la situation. De plus en plus de gens se permettent d'empoisonner, d'assassiner et de voler nos boules de poils. Vous devez agir avant que l'escalade de ces crimes impunis ne suffisent plus à ces ordures et qu'ils s'en prennent impunément à nos enfants, à nos parents âgés et que les propriétaires décident de faire justice eux mêmes ... Rendez justice à ce petit Nao qui comme tant d'autres a eu la malchance de croiser le chemin d'êtres immondes et faites tout SVP pour que ces massacres cessent
Quant à vous propriétaires de grâce ne faites plus sortir vos chats il y a trop de malades par les rues de nos jours"

Niky | Monday 25 December 2017

C'est l'horreur et inadmissible de faire subir des tortures sur nao comme il l'a fait ; cet individu doit être condamné et prison pour longtemps. Il faudrait lui faire la même chose ce qu'il a fait subir à nao