Tuesday 12 November 2019 | 100

Micha died on the 12th November

Micha died on the 12th November

Mis à jour le 15 November 2019

After a few days’ antibiotics were discontinued to see if he could regain his strength by himself, Micha's health then deteriorated sharply. He would have to be anesthetized to undergo surgery and tests. Several days were necessary before the Tanière could recive this permission...
Micha never woke up. He had tumours everywhere, even in his brain.

Hr blog

At the beginning of September, we had already denounced the conditions of extreme misery in which he and his companions were living in at their winter quarters of the Poliakov’s, in Loir-et-Che. The Minister of Ecology, Élisabeth Borne, had then discovered like the rest of the public that his paws were infested with maggots, his breathing was difficult and then she chose to intervene on his behalf.

Micha left behind him Bony and Glasha, whose suffering is evident, probably less glaring but equally serious, and Mina the little monkey and several parrots, horses and a dromedary, the of which has just died ...

Even so, he still lived a real bears life be it only for a few weeks or so, a real bear’s life, eating until he was full, having recovered weight and a well-tempered character. All this after suffering horribly for hours, days, weeks, months, years...

But for the officials, the Prefect, the veterinarian and trainers, who have for too long permitted that no improvement takes place for the animals of the Poliakov’s, will they eventually be held accountable! Several law suits are ongoing, including one on November 28th, we will be facing the Prefect of Loir-et-Cher Administrative Court in Orleans.

For twenty years we have been demanding the liberation of the Poliakov’s bears. For almost two months we have been demanding that Bony, Glasha and the other animals are released from their infamous jails. For twenty years we have been calling for the cessation of the exploitation of animals in circuses. How many more deaths will there be before the publication of a ministerial decree prohibiting this medieval practice ?

Please continue to sign and share the petition.

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 100

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Stéphane | Sunday 24 November 2019

Triste nouvelle.
En espérant que Glasha et Bony pourront être saisis et placés en refuge très rapidement !

doris schwiers | Saturday 23 November 2019

Qui a dit que les animaux devaient être les esclaves des Hommes ? Une profonde tristesse, de la colère et un sentiment de révolte face à la cruauté humaine. Fermer les yeux c'est être complice. Nous sommes tous responsables et devons réagir pour venir en aide à ces êtres maltraités et maintenus en captivité par des monstres humains.

maguite | Friday 22 November 2019

Depuis toujours je m'insurge contre toutes formes d'emprisonnement des animaux "sauvages". Je n'ai jamais amené mes enfants au cirque, au zoo, nulle part où ils étaient enfermés. Il existe suffisamment de films documentaires sur tous les animaux du monde !
Mais j'entends et je lis des articles dénonçant des maltraitances graves, criantes, qui ne font réagir que les personnes révoltées.
En tant qu'enseignante, j'ai souvent abordé ce sujet dans les classes.
Je les faisais aussi réfléchir à la souffrance courante des animaux d'élevage.
Les personnes qui aiment et respectent les animaux ne savent que faire.
Je suis triste, écœurée de tout le mal dont les humains sont capables.
Pourtant, si ces êtres disparaissaient, la vie ne ressemblerait plus à rien.
Je parle aussi des arbres, des insectes, de la nature qui nous entoure. Pour combien de temps?

Continuez vos campagnes, une seule vie sauvée vaut la peine…


orphée | Monday 18 November 2019

Qui a dit que les animaux devaient être les esclaves des Hommes ? Une profonde tristesse, de la colère et un sentiment de révolte face à la cruauté humaine. Fermer les yeux c'est être complice. Nous sommes tous responsables et devons réagir pour venir en aide à ces êtres maltraités et maintenus en captivité par des monstres humains.