Monday 22 July 2019 | 40

A new complaint for Jumbo

A new complaint for Jumbo

Mis à jour le 06 September 2019

We follow Jumbo relentlessly. During the heat wave last June, our investigators found that his jailers had no more consideration for him than usual. Even in the middle of summer, the poor hippopotamus is locked in his trailer for hours. And when you briefly open the door for a moment, you find an empty pool waiting for you!

Hr blog

27th June 2019. At 5:39 pm, Jumbo puts his first foot outside of the day. A very hot sun has been burning in the atmosphere, and he has been locked up all this time in a tin truck with his “bathtub” as the trainer calls it. At this moment, the interior of the car from which we observe him reaches 44°C… We dare not imagine the temperature of the furnace from which he exists …

Outside, the desert ...

Will he be able to cool off? Alas, no. No shade, no mud, no water on the horizon. Oh yes, a pool cover is sometimes stretched out, as we were able to observe a few days later, on July 8th, but it is not filled with water! It’s just a fake gesture of care… And the poor are forced to continue to endure the heat without any area to take refuge. These scenes, bleak and outdated, represent Jumbo’s daily life. Whatever the weather and the day, the Circassians who hold him deny him his most basic needs and make him endure a living hell !

We (re) file a complaint!

While the violence of the Circassians compromised the seizure of Jumbo last February, we remain determined to release him! We continue to diligently monitor and gather the evidence for the charges, our case continues to grow. Based on our last observations, we have just filed a new complaint against the circus where he is being held. There is an urgent need to help Jumbo! And our concern for him is only increasing as we approach the next preannounced heat wave, which will probably not be the last…

Continue to sign and share the petition for Jumbo

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts.

Comments 40

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

christiane | Saturday 27 July 2019

Comment peut-on traiter un animal de cette façon ?
J'espère de tout cœur que les propriétaires de cet animal auront un geste de compassion car les animaux sont des êtres sensibles et leur souffrance est égale à la nôtre.
Je vous remercie d'avance .....une amie des bêtes

Tchette | Saturday 27 July 2019

Pas possible! On prône les droits de l'Homme à tout va, et les droits des animaux ?
Boycott total pour moi de tous ces endroits où ces bêtes n'ont pas lieu de vivre enfermés et malheureux: cirques, zoos, delphinariums...
Avec tout mon soutien car je cautionne.

CANNELLE44 | Saturday 27 July 2019

Ce pauvre Jumbo sera mort avant d'être libéré. Le temps presse.

Ibsen | Saturday 27 July 2019

HONTE encore et toujours à ceux qui font du fric sur le dos des animaux "sauvages".
Aux circassiens qui empochent et n'ont RIEN à faire des lois de protection animale ! Aux élus et aux politiciens de tous bords qui font l'autruche sur ces scandales que trop peu de personnes ont le courage de dénoncer !