Thursday 16 May 2019 | 8

A dog as an object cannot be good for the heart

A dog as an object cannot be good for the heart

Mis à jour le 07 February 2020

A scientific study published in 2017 explains the health benefits of living with a dog companion 1. Today it is exploited in a campaign by the French Federation of Cardiology which communicates on the medical and social "assets" of these domestic companions. Presented as perfect drugs, dogs would allow seniors to reduce their risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease by 36%.

Hr blog

To add a note of humour to these findings, the French Cardiology Federation sees fit to emphasize that these 4-legged health remedies are "fearful, smell strong, snore, bark all the time, drool, lose their hair, have gas ", And other compliments ... Hmm, what kind of respect for these beings is this" who fortunately can save your life "! How can we imagine that a dog is but a mere object, despised to this point and that it could bring any help to a person who would need it thus ?

Dogs are our millennial companions! Their sensitivity is no longer needed to be proven, nor is their degree of evolution. We have shaped them to embellish our existence. This campaign, full of arrogance and derision, gives them a representation that demeans and distorts them. Where then is the respect for these animals and for the millions of humans who love and rely on them?

We, defend dogs against the cruelties of which they are victims. We also offer conferences to get to know them better and to live with them on a daily basis. And we know that if their presence in a home can be good for the heart, it is precisely because this life that they share with us is based on a loving relationship. This unconditional love that dogs teach us and offer us, this benevolence, this indulgence, this absolute fidelity, and all these little moments of happiness that humans come to know having had the chance to meet them.

It is no coincidence that the lectures that we have given in many cities were entitled: In the "heart" of a dog. These companions with an immense heart pursue only one goal: to be there for us, without reserve and forever. This is how they make us deeply happy, that they give us confidence and the desire to reach out to others. This is how they protect our heart, in every sense of the word.

If the French Cardiology Federation has laudable intentions, its campaign clearly misses out on what makes the essence of a relationship worthy of the name, a companion dog. Moreover, people who would be tempted to adopt an animal object solely for their health, are likely to lie about the results of this study ...

1 Mubanga M et al. "Cardiovascular accident and death risks for dog owners - a national cohort study". Sci Rep 2017; 7: 15821

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Comments 8

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pouguy | Thursday 16 May 2019

Un chien n'est pas un objet, c'est un être vivant comme les humains, si on veut s'amuser il existe des peluches !

Stéphanie | Thursday 16 May 2019

Quel manque de respect pour ceux qui nous donnent leur cœur effectivement et qui, en partageant nos vies, s'associent avec toute l'empathie dont eux sont capables, à nos maux physiques ou émotionnels. C'est très triste qu'ils soient ainsi rabaissés au rang "d'outils à soigner les humains". Combien d'animaux qui vivent à nos côtés sont effectivement "malades" d'endosser nos difficultés. Trop peu d'humains en ont conscience, et s'étonnent que leur animal de compagnie aille mal, sans voir qu'ils sont souvent à l'origine d'un problème, qu'ils pourraient d'ailleurs régler dans certains cas pour leur plus grand bien et celui de leur animal. La F.F de cardiologie dans sa communication renforce encore cette idée tellement commune que l'animal est une sous-race au service de l'homme. Merci et bravo de le relever.

Annatha | Thursday 16 May 2019

J'ai partagé ce matin même cette campagne sur 1 réseau de la PA, en précisant que j'en avais eu 1 montée de tension. Je suis totalement d'accord avec vous ! Même si on envisage le second degré, qui ne sera malheureusement pas forcément compris, cette campagne véhicule l'image de l'animal objet qui doit avoir 1 utilité. Tous les refuges et associations, qui débordent d'animaux abandonnés, apprécieront le discours.

Aline | Thursday 16 May 2019

Inadmissible et honteux, comment peut-on tenir des propos nuls comme ça envers un animal magnifique comme ça?