Novillada of Beaucaire: unspeakable suffering for a young bull
Torturing an animal for hours before killing them in the name of “spectacle”: when it comes to horror, we thought bullfighting could go no further. But a new threshold was passed in Beaucaire, during a “novillada”. 30 minutes of violence against a cornered animal. Faced with these images, obtained thanks to our partner Futur Asso, we call on everyone, more than ever, to mobilize to voice their opposition to this barbaric and archaic practice.
For the young bull from Beaucaire, a never-ending torture session
Saturday, July 27th. The bullring of Beaucaire, in the Gard region, is packed with spectators who have come to witness the torture of a young bull as part of a “novillada”, a medieval initiation ceremony for young bullfighters.
The animal is about to go through hell. For thirty minutes, the sadism unleashed on him is unspeakable: stab wounds to the back of the head, banderillas planted in the neck, all by bullfighters who have left the arena, hidden behind an impassable wall. He coughs up blood, chokes, and finally dies to the whistles of an audience that finds the show “boring” …..
When they learned that a video was circulating, aficionados did everything in their power to prevent its publication. Faced with the outcry, they are now trying to convince us that this novillada was an exception. We say it loud and clear: these images are not! Bullfighting has always been, is and will remain no more and no less than a hobby of torture based on the desire to cause cruel suffering to a sensitive animal, and one of the most peaceful of all.
Accustoming and training children to violence: we say stop!
There were undoubtedly children in the arena. Despite our requests, they are still able to witness these scenes of extreme cruelty. The bullfighters themselves were barely adults, but had long been conditioned to slaughter animals in the name of tradition.
One Voice infiltrated bullfighting schools in 2012 and 2019, and the findings are indeed stark.
What future is there for a society that turns its children into torturers in the name of tradition? Who lets hundreds of people revel in the ordeal of an animal whose fate is sealed before this pseudo-“fight” even begins? In the United States, the FBI keeps a file of individuals who comment on acts of animal torture. Because its agents know that such violence carries the seeds of violence against humans.
For the bull in Beaucaire bullring and for all the others, for our children and the future of our society, we call more than ever for an end to bullfighting!