A new hearing in Réunion in the face of tenrec persecution!
As soon as it is suspended, it is reopened! In Réunion, collusion between hunters and the prefecture is coming to light. Although the administrative tribunal came down against digging out tenrecs twice in a few months, the prefect chose to defend the practice tooth and nail by authorising the killing of several thousands of them despite everything. To stop this planned massacre and these unacceptable methods, we are going back to the tribunal: the hearing is in Saint-Denis on 4 April at 2:30pm!
Updated 05 April 2024
We have just learnt, with much disappointment, that our second plea has been rejected by the Réunion prefecture. Diggers can therefore continue to kill tenrecs in the days to come. In any case, our relentless actions will allow the authorised hunting season to be halved and will highlight the prefect’s clear position from this point forward: leave the hunters to decide upon suitable rules themselves. While waiting for the tribunal’s definitive decision, which will be given in a few months, we will continue the fight for tenrecs!
After a short respite, is France in favour of tenrecs?
At this very moment, the young are leaving their burrows to discover the Réunion forests. Accompanied by their parents, they are learning to come out and feed themselves in this new environment. For the first time in many years, they have been able to get through the month of February without being slaughtered. A few days ago, the Saint-Denis administrative tribunal, who we had referred to, had in fact urgently suspended the opening of the hunting season, confirming their decision of December 2023 that definitively cancelled an older decree.
But this respite was short-lived: the prefect passed a new law and, at the time of writing this article, diggers threw their dogs down into the burrows to hunt down tenrecs. And to make amends, the state representative even authorised digging out every day for a month, instead of the usual three days per week…
We are starting the fight up again against the prefect’s contempt for tenrecs and the legal system!
This shows the total lack of respect that the Réunion prefect has for the legal system and general interests…. In a few weeks, he has simply brushed aside clear rulings. And, the cherry on the cake, he published his decree the same day of the opening – a well-known scam to allow hunters to indulge in their morbid hobby in complete peace while waiting for the hearing.
Although the prefect is supposed to represent all citizens, in Réunion things are now clear: he has chosen the side of hunters and their traditions, going so far as to leave them to draft the prefectural decree themselves. He has sent a clear message to all Réunion residents who are opposed to this practice: your voice does not count.
It is about time to put an end to systematic collusion between the State and this small group of very powerful individuals, which leads to a real disaster for animals. For tenrecs, we will once again be at the Saint-Denis administrative tribunal on 4 April at 2:30pm! While waiting, you can still sign our petition for a radical reform on hunting!