Aïcko is dead

Aïcko is dead

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The 9th of November 2016. Aïcko, the dolphin held by Planet Sauvage (Wild Planet) and on whose behalf One Voice had filed an additional complaint, died on Sunday. The association has asked the prefect to take up the issue.

The 9th of November 2016. Aïcko, the dolphin held by Planète Sauvage and on whose behalf One Voice had filed an additional complaint, died on Sunday. The association has asked the prefect to take up the issue.

We had made our fears public concerning this issue. On the 29
th of October, we visited Planète Sauvage with Dr. Naomi Rose, a world recognised specialist in marine mammals. Her conclusion was very clear: Aïcko was dangerously thin and his body was covered with deeper rake-like bite marks than those of the other dolphins in the aquarium. Since the improvement of Galéo’s state of health following our complaint last June – which for us now means we are fighting a counter-complaint from the park – Aïcko had become the new whipping boy of the rest of the group. These are the last images that we would ever take of him.

Driven by these findings, on the 7
th of November One Voice had filed an additional complaint, accompanied by a full report signed by Dr. Rose. But Aïcko couldn’t hold on long enough. He was too small, too fragile. He should have been excluded from these shows and not present whilst they were in progress.

He didn’t even join in on the show, either because the trainer didn’t ask him to – would his tail fin have been capable of supporting his weight for a “tail-walk”? – or because had cut the contact with him.

Now that he is no longer, who will the older dolphins attack? Galéo again? The two babies currently growing up in the improvised maternity pool alongside their mothers have probably got some dark days to come. One Voice has referred the case to the prefect to ask him to formally demand Planet Sauvage to satisfy their animal welfare obligations before they have to suspend their activity. The Judge of Nantes has also been officially informed of Aïcko’s death and given the latest report.

Muriel Arnal, One Voice’s president, declares: ”
The dolphinariums undermine the dignity of cetaceans which they keep captive. These animals are in such a state of stress and frustration that they attack the weakest group member. Who now will be the target of this violence? Galéo again? Or Amani and Nouma, the two little male dolphins born at the end of the summer? There has already been too much drama. It is time to close the dolphinariums and put an end to cetacean slavery“.

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