Help monkeys who are being trapped in Mauritius now

Help monkeys who are being trapped in Mauritius now

Animal testing
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Action for Primates and One Voice have been alerted by concerned residents to the trapping of monkeys taking place now in Vallee Pitot, located in the region of Port Louis in Mauritius.

Action for Primates and One Voice have been alerted by concerned residents to the trapping of monkeys taking place now in Vallee Pitot, located in the region of Port Louis in Mauritius. Video footage shows a large gang cage into which unsuspecting monkeys are lured by food and then trapped. Please speak out for these monkeys in Mauritius

These monkeys, in distress to the point that we can hear them howling, are taken out of the cage to be enclosed in small transport carriers, then loaded into the back of a lorry and taken away. We suspect that one of the many primate businesses in Mauritius exporting monkeys for research and toxicity testing (poisoning) is at the root of this.

The capture of wild monkeys is a universally condemned practice due to the cruelty of it, the suffering that it causes to the animals, and the fact that they are torn from their natural habitat as well as their families and social groups. It is likely that the monkeys captured in Mauritius will be sold to laboratories abroad, or used for breeding in farms for the sale of the babies. Mauritius, who exported more than 14,000 long-tailed macaques in 2021, is the main provider of monkeys for laboratories in America and Europe.

The capture look place on public land and Mr Seenath Abedeen, a Port-Louis resident who filmed a series of videos, also reported his concerns to the local police. The monkeys are seeing their natural habitat being invaded more and more by humankind, and yet they are the ones that pay the biggest price for this disruption, almost always with their life.

Act with us to defend these monkeys from the Mauritian authorities.

Send an email to demand an end to these captures and for the protection of these animals everywhere on the island (you can download a template here):

You can also leave a comment on the Port-Louis Municipal Council site:…

Non-human primates are our closest existing biological relatives. Mauritian monkeys must be protected and treated with compassion, and not killed or captured to be exploited in laboratories or for any other reason. Action for Primates and One Voice are calling for all Mauritian communities to reflect on the terrible suffering inflicted on these intelligent, social, sensitive animals, and to speak out to help put an end to their barbaric exploitation.

Long-tailed macaques are currently the most used species of primate for toxicity testing, which involves deliberately poisoning the animals in order to determine the amount of chemical product or medication necessary to cause serious injury or death. To do this, they are forcibly held down, after which a test substance is administered by injection, drip, or feeding tube in increasing amounts to measure the effects of the poisoning. The macaques feel intense suffering.

If you live in Mauritius and you are aware of wild captive monkeys that are being taken or used as ‘companion animals’, do not hesitate to contact us at and

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

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