Cats and dogs: our family Cats and dogs: our family

Cats and dogs: our family

The situation

Many believe they are out of danger.

Yet they remain the object of an impressive number of abuses and acts of cruelty.

Because dogs and cats are our companions, many people believe they are beyond danger. Yet they are not properly protected, and remain the object of an impressive number of maltreatments and acts of cruelty insufficiently punished by the law.

Then there are those who undergo experiments in laboratories. Deprived of everything, they suffer both physically and mentally.

There are those converted into production machines, females with endless litters, and the trafficking that ensues.

There are those who are used as tools, for hunting, security, guarding, competitions, and who are put away or eliminated when they are no longer needed.

There’s educational abuse, supervised in clubs, brutal training sessions. There are electric collars, which even exist for cats, even though we know the traumas they cause.

There are also acts of cruelty, cats drowned or burned alive like Griffin, dogs raped like Léa, and then there are the screams, the blows… and the abandonments. It’s estimated that nearly 10 million cats live and die on the streets!

Dogs and cats are our companions, full-fledged members of our families. Let’s help them with a truly protective legal status!

“Millions of them share our homes. As we know, the intelligence and sensitivity of our millennia-old companions is beyond question, as is the unconditional love they show us. Yet… of all animals, dogs and cats are the most exploited, the most mistreated in many ways: experimentation, trafficking, lifelong confinement for breeding, training for shows, and in the case of dogs, hunting and guarding. Not to mention the mistreatment and cruelty punishable by law but which continue in France: abandonment, fur, fighting, cruelty in some homes. We, the undersigned, urge that the legal status of dogs and cats be changed from that of chattels to that of nonhuman persons. We, as a token of our gratitude to our dog and cat companions.”

One Voice accepts no subsidies. No government or political party can change its ethics, nor affect the integrity of its words. One Voice denounces the exploitation of animals with complete independence and freedom of speech.

One Voice can only turn to you to finance its actions in France and around the world. Together, we are strong and united. Solidarity overcomes all selfishness.

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