Thursday 14 June 2018 | 96

The Mézilles’ dog breeding centre wants to silence us.

The Mézilles’ dog breeding centre wants to silence us.

Mis à jour le 30 July 2018

We obtained that a judge authorises us to return with a bailiff in the Mézilles’ Beagle and Golden Retriever breeding centre. The latter attacks us, asking us for 15000 € and requesting that all traces of the bailiff’s report disappears.

Hr blog

The breeding centre, not content with subjecting the dogs to more than questionable living conditions, now seeks to muzzle us.

On Tuesday June 19th, the President had all the files returned.
The hearing is therefore postponed to July 10th 2018.

They attack us so that we cannot use the information from the bailiff's report against them. On June 19th, we will defend the rights of these 1,500 dogs.

Held behind the fences and concrete walls of this farm, they will so to speak never feel a caress, they will only ever be numbers, and under their paws, they will never feel the touch of grass, only the tiles and cement. Some will stay there until they die, others until they are sent to the labs for experimentation and death.

Amongst others One Voice holds the following points against this centre:

  • A higher than allowed number of dogs
  • Unaccounted puppies despite their large numbers
  • A more than rudimentary operation and ultrasound room
  • The lack of "free space" so that dogs can run and live as a real dog does
  • Understaffed teams which does not allow for the animals to be properly monitored for their well-being
  • Bitches giving birth at night without the slightest supervision, which can make any complication fatal
  • An industrial reproduction frequency, etc.

Support us, relay the information. Also sign the petition to close this breeding centre!

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

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Comments 96

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Coculusse22 | Sunday 23 April 2023

C'est un scandale. Pourquoi vous leur prenez leur vie ? Mettez vous à leur place !

Sm | Tuesday 14 March 2023


Assez de cette maltraitance inutile et gratuite

Shogun 74 | Tuesday 07 September 2021

Effroyable, mais où vivons-nous ? Comment nos dirigeants peuvent-ils accepter cette horreur? Enrichir cet organisme digne du Moyen Âge, quelle honte. Pauvres animaux, des souffrances sans limites, on considère ces animaux comme de simples objet et non comme des êtres vivants, Où est donc la loi qui à été votée ! Que fait Mr Denormandie ?

henri | Thursday 10 September 2020

Est il posssible d'acquérir un chiot Beagle. Cela en ferait un de sauver.

one voice | Thursday 10 September 2020

Merci beaucoup pour cette proposition. Pour l'instant les chiens sont dans l'élevage, il n'y en a pas à l'adoption, il faut attendre la fin des procédures pour savoir ce qu'il adviendra de ces animaux. Bien cordialement, l'équipe One Voice