Monday 11 September 2023 | 10

Animal defenders threatened with knives, insulted, and hit by the Muller Circus.

Animal defenders threatened with knives, insulted, and hit by the Muller Circus.

Mis à jour le 03 January 2024

Living life as an animal kept in a circus... What would a celebratory weekend in Pérols near the Muller-Zavatta Circus be without hitting, insults, and threats? This is what the non-violent activists wishing to raise public awareness of the suffering of these animals at the hands of the Muller family’s patriarch were subjected to. A glimpse into the range of circus performers’ ‘methods’ to establish their dominance over others.

Hr blog

Death threats and threats to burn their cars, homophobic insults, misogyny, hitting, kicking...

The protest authorised by the Prefecture covering Pérols, organised by Alliance Éthique, One Voice, and supported by Sète Animal Save and Sèt'Animaliste in Thau, was the scene of a surge of violence by circus performers against people. As per tradition, the trainers, clowns, and Mr Loyal from the Muller-Zavatta Circus once again showed their true colours. Stripped of their makeup and glitter, they were nothing more than threatening and insulting thugs. Edmond Muller was there to hit people and intimidate the activists who were trying to raise public awareness near the circus and had only their beliefs to defend themselves. The rest of the family were standing a short distance away.

We have said this over and over again: this circus, that specifically kept Jumbo, tigers, and monkeys, spends its time standing up to local authorities and committing crimes (defacing, theft, and others).


A circus of thugs, the worst there is in France

Having become, within a few years, a symbol of the worst of what circuses with animals are criticised for, trainers have nonetheless been protected by the government since 2021, and still in recent days with the publication of a ministerial document trampling on the spirit of the law of 2021 on animal mistreatment, and the publication of a decree stating the equivalence of competency certifications for zoos and circuses.

If only the irregularities and non-compliance with regulations were the least of our criticisms against them... but the boss, the family, and the employees of the Muller Circus stand out a little more each day for their contempt for their neighbours, whether humans or animals, elected representatives, or simple citizens.

What must the animals be subjected to when no one can see them or film them, while circus performers do not hesitate to pick up their pitchforks to resist police, driving trucks towards them at high speed, or threatening the Ministry of Ecology or tribunals with killing and slaughtering animals if they take Jumbo, the tigers, and the monkeys? This circus of thugs has been cracking the whip with the support of the State for far too long.

Activists have filed a complaint in particular for the hitting, injuries, and armed violence. The video was sent also to an association fighting homophobia. We condemn these acts of violence and call on the authorities to be extremely inflexible towards these outlaw intimidating individuals. To support us in the fight for Jumbo, sign our petition!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Justice for Jon, Céleste, Patty, Hannah, and Marli: hearing in Évreux against the Cirque de Paris Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Comments 10

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Litchou | Thursday 14 September 2023

Ces cirques sont ignobles! Les animaux ne sont pas des divertissements ! Les propriétaires sont méchants, brutaux, cruels! Ces cirques devraient être interdits.

Lil | Thursday 14 September 2023

N'allons plus dans les cirques aux méthodes douteuses qui maltraitent animaux et défenseurs de ces derniers.

Duponette | Thursday 14 September 2023

Déplorable, lamentable, les mots me manquent... Ce cirque doit disparaître et ces pauvres animaux sauvés

Dom | Wednesday 13 September 2023

Lamentable et pitoyable ! Un tel comportement est intolérable et ce genre d'individu qui cumule la grossièreté, la brutalité et les stigmates d'un machisme primaire, devrait se retrouver devant la justice afin de répondre de ses insultes et menaces. Bravo à l'équipe de One Voice pour avoir su opposer le calme à la violence ! Et quand je vois comment se comporte cette personne avec ses congénères, j'imagine le pire pour les animaux qu'il exploite...