One Voice denounces and attacks an illegitimate Prefectural order against wolves
Prefect of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region has taken the right to
increase the annual slaughter ceiling to 3 wolves, already set by the
Ministry of the Environment under the Plan National des Actions pour
le Loup (Wolf plan) to 40 individuals.
Voice believes that this basic annual quota is already absurd and
unfounded, and is outraged by its increase. The association has made
an injunction for suspension to the administrative court to block
this illegitimate prefectural decree. The hearing will take place on
Monday 17th
September 2018 in Lyon.
On the matter of an unjustified Prefectural decree
The Prefect of the
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region deemed himself competent to amend a an
already agreed quota while it is the prerogative of the Minister to
set the standard. Is not this called abuse of power? Furthermore, it
has lost the interest in the opinion of the public and scientists on
this issue, since it has not put in place a public consultation or an
environmental study, which is mandatory before the publication of an
order. Is that not a denial of democracy? The fact that he is the
Plan Wolf coordinator does not in any way give him the right to make
such a decision on his own. Is that not being judge and jury?
On the matter of a place for the wolf in the biodiversity
One Voice recalls that the
wolves returned to France from the Alps, alone, from Italy, and were
not reintroduced by humans. This is proof that they have found in our
French mountains something to live in harmony with other species. We
should be proud of this sign of the richness in our soil, and welcome
with kindness the presence of these wolf packs with well-defined
social rules.
One Voice emphasizes that wolves represent a wealth of
biodiversity and of our heritage.
On the matter of the canis lupus species in France
In France the species canis
lupus (the species of wolves) is protected by law because it is
vulnerable. Indeed, the total population of 430 individuals
(according to the National Office of Hunting and Wildlife, ONCFS) in
the national territory does not make it self-contained. Twenty wolves
have already died since the beginning of the year in a natural,
accidental and indeterminate way. Below 500 individuals now, the
number declines in fact without any action from the Government or
Prefects. On the contrary, these individuals need natural spaces in
which they can be protected as their status suggests.
Green tourism would be
strengthened and this would boost the economy of rural areas. That’s
what One Voice is calling for.
On the matter of a stated goal for preserving pastoralism
The goal of wolf slaughter is
supposed to be the preservation of sheep flocks and the assurance of
a quiet pastoral activity. It is therefore surprising to read in the
pages of the Wolf Plan itself that there is no certainty about the
impact of lethal shootings of wolves. For One Voice, it is a red
cloth being waved to buy social peace, on the back of an already
designated scapegoat a: the wolf.
For One Voice, it is essential
to focus on herd protection, as proposed by the National Council for
the Protection of Nature. And to study the impact of pastoralism on
the fauna and flora of our mountains.
One Voice will be at the
administrative court of Lyon Monday, September 17th
at 2.00pm to defend the wolves, the hearing concerns our interim
suspension filed against the Prefectural order of the
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region.
Contact for press : +33 (0)6 43 26 78 80 – presse@one-voice.fr