Wild animals
Why are we fighting to preserve wild animals?
A vital, fragile balance
Hunted, persecuted and even exterminated, many wild animals around the world are targeted and doubly victimised by legislation that does little to protect them. In addition to the catastrophic disappearance of certain animals, these crimes contribute to weakening the existing balance between flora and fauna.
At One Voice, our battle knows no borders and we are fighting with our partners for the defence of animals with a view to sustainable rewilding. We are fighting for tomorrow, to make a world that is fairer and more respectful of everyone a reality.
Cruelty is the only thing to be driven out
Considered competitors or pests by some hunters and breeders, many wolves and foxes in particular are unjustly hunted down and massacred. Despite the fact that they are essential to biodiversity and are even considered a “protected species”, persecutors are redoubling their ingenuity to get round the laws of European regulations. This is why One Voice is fighting relentlessly to protect these innocent animals from the violence and cruelty to which they are subjected.

A battle without borders against the collapse of biodiversity
Beyond our borders, the situation is just as alarming. Throughout the world, many wild animals are still exploited, kept, slaughtered or used for commercial purposes in conditions that respect neither their needs nor their dignity. Poaching, forced dancing of bears in India, detention in Chinese zoos; these are all intolerable practices that One Voice fervently fights against, with the ambition of helping them and changing regulations in the long term.

Key figures
An alarming fact
Acting together
Get involved
at our side
Don't be an accomplice to the torture of dolphins and orcas!
Refuse to attend shows where cetaceans are exhibited or interactive experiences often offered to the public. The suffering of dolphins and orcas is immense, and their captivity must end!