Nous avons reçu des images et vidéos du 46ème tiercé de cochons de Vabres l’Abbaye. Elles donnent à voir des cochons hurlants, exposés à la foule et au bruit et forcés à avancer le plus rapidement possible… Nous avons écrit au maire.
Tens of thousands of mice are still being killed for botox! One Voice is demanding a ban on animal testing.
Pleas and unpublished images from One Voice on pheasants and partridges being bred for hunting in La Peyratte
A deliberation in Marineland’s favour: a representation of the road still to be travelled to defend the orcas at the dolphinarium
One Voice and its partners are getting Air France to stop transporting primates for animal testing!
SIVU 47: The pound and the authorities prefer to attack whistle-blowers than to resolve the problems highlighted