One Voice organizes in early June the French premiere of the award-winning documentary film: Kangaroo a love-hate story

One Voice organizes in early June the French premiere of the award-winning documentary film: Kangaroo a love-hate story

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The One Voice association is
organizing the French premiere of the multi-award-winning documentary
film “KANGAROO A Love-Hate Story” on June 5th
2018 at 8 pm at the cinema “Les Cinq Caumartin” in Paris.
The screening, in the presence of the directors, will be followed by
a discussion with them. The next day, a second screening, in the same
format, is organized in Strasbourg, at the cinema “Star”.

documentary by Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre, KANGAROO, is an
unprecedented film, revealing the truth of Australia’s ambivalent
relationship of love and hatred towards her beloved icon. The image
of the kangaroo is proudly displayed and used by major Australian
companies, sports teams, and as a souvenir gift for tourists. Yet, as
they cross the vast continent with great leaps, they are considered
as pests and only fit for slaughter then sold to the highest bidder.

is the largest importer of kangaroo meat and skin in the world. The
documentary presents evidence on the consequences of the purchase by
Europeans of products from kangaroos, considered in this case as a
resource, which is also serious.

alert the French public about this dramatic slaughter suffered by the
kangaroo population on the Australian mainland, One Voice is
organizing two screenings of the award-winning documentary, in the
presence of the two directors, followed by a debate on the questions
they have raised.

French première will take place on June 5th
at the cinema “Les Cinq Caumartin” in Paris. The second
evening will take place in Strasbourg, at the cinema “Star”
on June 6th.
The film will be broadcast at 8.00pm, in the Original Version and
subtitled in French (VOSTFR).

Useful information:

director and director, Kate McIntyre Clere and Mick McIntyre, will be
available for interviews on June 5 in Paris by appointment, and the
rest of the time by email, phone or skype.

Peter Singer
, author of the acclaimed book Animal Liberation, who
speaks in the film, has also agreed to make himself available for
interviews in France.

  • Places
    are priced at € 10 and will be on sale on the spot the same
  • Online
    presale is also possible for the evening in Paris and Strasbourg.

Location, date and time of each evening:

June 5th
at 8.00pm,

Cinema The 5 Caumartin,

Rue Saint-Lazare, 75009 Paris

June 6 at 8.00pm,

Cinema Star

rue du jeu des enfants, 67000 Strasbourg

Press kit in English:

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English press kit

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