Stop animals in circuses
Circuses: no-go areas for all animals.
Sitting on a stool, showing off, getting whipped…
His “circus animal” name is Nal (or Nale). We chose to give him a free lion name, a solar name: Elyo. This June 2019, he has been placed in a “zoo refuge”: La Tanière. It’s still a great victory. It doesn’t matter how much the authorities pretend nothing’s happened: the darkness of the empty truck is over for Elyo!
Circuses are lawless zones for all the animals they hold captive, especially felines.
Whether or not they were born in a cage, they’re all the same: wild animals, predators, even for humans. Sitting on a stool, showing off, getting whipped… there’s nothing natural about them! In circuses, lions and tigers can never be themselves. They need space to roam and explore. But circuses only offer them an empty cage in the back of a truck. They need silence, places to hide. But the circus only offers them the hustle and bustle of permanent exhibition.
Lions need to live as a family. But some of them are completely isolated.
Tigers need solitude. But the circus forces them into promiscuity, even with other species.
Pregnant females need to rest. But the circus forces them to take part in the show right to the end. Births, deaths and exchanges are not always reported!
The stress of these situations drives them mad. They pace back and forth, attack each other, self-mutilate… Their immune systems weaken, they get sick, their wounds don’t heal properly. They suffocate and slowly die from captivity.
This was Elyo’s daily life! We obtained an official report from one of our veterinary consultants. His conclusions are unsurprising: Elyo has injured his legs and face because he can’t stand his captive conditions, and he needs to be placed!
We, the undersigned, demand that all felines in circuses be released and entrusted to the One Voice association, which will place them in sanctuaries.
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