Stop animals in circuses

Stop animals in circuses

Stop animals in circuses
Stop animals in circuses
Circuses: no-go areas for all animals.
The situation
Circuses: no-go areas for all animals.

Sitting on a stool, showing off, getting whipped…

His « circus animal » name is Nal (or Nale). We chose to give him a free lion name, a solar name: Elyo. This June 2019, he has been placed in a « zoo refuge »: La Tanière. It’s still a great victory. It doesn’t matter how much the authorities pretend nothing’s happened: the darkness of the empty truck is over for Elyo!

Circuses are lawless zones for all the animals they hold captive, especially felines.

Whether or not they were born in a cage, they’re all the same: wild animals, predators, even for humans. Sitting on a stool, showing off, getting whipped… there’s nothing natural about them! In circuses, lions and tigers can never be themselves. They need space to roam and explore. But circuses only offer them an empty cage in the back of a truck. They need silence, places to hide. But the circus only offers them the hustle and bustle of permanent exhibition.

Lions need to live as a family. But some of them are completely isolated.

Tigers need solitude. But the circus forces them into promiscuity, even with other species.

Pregnant females need to rest. But the circus forces them to take part in the show right to the end. Births, deaths and exchanges are not always reported!

The stress of these situations drives them mad. They pace back and forth, attack each other, self-mutilate… Their immune systems weaken, they get sick, their wounds don’t heal properly. They suffocate and slowly die from captivity.

This was Elyo’s daily life! We obtained an official report from one of our veterinary consultants. His conclusions are unsurprising: Elyo has injured his legs and face because he can’t stand his captive conditions, and he needs to be placed!

We, the undersigned, demand that all felines in circuses be released and entrusted to the One Voice association, which will place them in sanctuaries.

Save Jumbo

Save Jumbo

Save Jumbo
Save Jumbo
For 30 years, his life has been a living hell.
The situation
For 30 years, his life has been a living hell.

Its basic needs are denied from start to finish.

For 30 years, life has been hell for Jumbo the hippopotamus.

He who should be living and communicating with his herd at all times, surrounded by a dozen females, is locked up, desperately alone, in a truck.

He who should spend his days in the water, immersing himself for long periods, whose whole body is made for this semi-aquatic lifestyle, has to put up with continuous gravity and make do with water sprinkled on him from a hose.

He who could run up to 30km/h, can only trample a few meters during the 30 minutes it takes to get him out of the truck and show him off to the public.

He should be grazing on up to 68kg of food at night, but is fed hay and horse cereals during the day.

Jumbo’s existence is nothing like that of a hippopotamus. His basic needs are denied from start to finish.

For his sake, we the undersigned support One Voice’s demand that he be released from the circus holding him and placed in a sanctuary where his physiological and behavioral needs will be respected.

Our articles on Jumbo :

A new complaint for Jumbo

A court hearing against the Prefect of the Drôme to release Jumbo from the circus!

Justice comes to the rescue of the Muller Circus against Jumbo and us

New investigation: Jumbo and his miserable companions still locked up in the Muller Circus, seen from above

Jumbo in his skip, tigers in a lorry… The Muller/Zavatta Circus is setting up in Cannes

Peace for Galeo

Peace for Galeo

Peace for Galeo
Peace for Galeo
At 5, torn away from his mother…
The situation
At 5, torn away from his mother…

Behind the stage, the music and the show, lies great suffering.

Taken from his mother at the age of 5, Galéo was sent to Planète Sauvage where he joined other dolphins from different families and groups.

Galéo became the whipping boy of this artificial group of individuals. His body bears the scars of this violence: bite marks and skin disease have disfigured him a little more every day, until One Voice lodged a complaint and he was finally treated. But he’s not out of danger.

Behind the show, the music and the spectacle, lies great suffering. The pain of having been torn away from his mother and his group, the pain of being alone, the fear of attacks and the pain of wounds, the pain of captivity that condemns him to continuous beatings and to endlessly circling in pools, far from the ocean and its riches. Biologist Ingrid Visser, a world expert on cetaceans, is adamant: she has never seen a dolphin in such a state. Galéo’s life is in danger. Galéo’s frozen smile conceals a life of misery and pain. Galéo cannot defend himself against the humans who have enslaved him.

« We, the undersigned, call for the urgent transfer of Galeo to a facility where he won’t be continually attacked, while we wait for an inlet to be opened up to house him on a long-term basis. It’s time for the French government to act progressively, instead of thinking about facilitating the breeding of dolphins in France! The French government must assume its responsibilities. It must put in place appropriate solutions to ensure the safety of Galéo first, followed by all the other dolphins. Peace for Galéo!

One Voice accepts no subsidies. No government, no political party can change its ethics, nor touch the integrity of its word. One Voice denounces the exploitation of animals with complete independence and freedom of speech.

One Voice can only turn to you to finance its actions in France and around the world. Together, we are strong and united. Solidarity overcomes all selfishness.



Let’s close the Mézilles dog farm
Animal experimentation
Let’s close the Mézilles dog farm
The number of experimented dogs in France is increasing.
The situation
The number of experimented dogs in France is increasing.

European legislation requires the reduction and replacement of animal experiments

For the attention of the Préfet de l’Yonne

The number of dogs being tested in France is on the increase, even though European legislation calls for animal experiments to be reduced and replaced by more reliable and less costly alternative methods.

Dogs are among the most protected animals in France, thanks to their status as pets. But what happens to other animals: monkeys, rabbits, hamsters, mice… on laboratory benches?

The « élevage des Souches » in Mézilles seems intent on regularizing the increase in its « carrying capacity » since, according to the information in the public inquiry, the limits have been largely exceeded. According to the figures available, this is already the country’s largest breeding facility supplying animal experimentation centers.

Breeding and experimentation, suffering upon suffering!

Bitches are considered « breeders », their offspring are separated from them, and all are finally sold and sent live or dead, whole or in pieces (organs, blood…), by van several times a week to the laboratories. These highly social and sensitive beings have never known the warmth of a loving home.

Alongside the One Voice association, we are calling for the closure of this breeding farm for Beagle and Golden Retriever dogs destined for laboratories carrying out traumatic and painful experiments on them.



Our articles on the Domaine des Souches Breeding Center :

March 5, 2018 Our dog and cat companions tortured in laboratories!

April 19, 2018 Always more dogs supplied to labs… Let’s close the kennel instead of expanding it!

June 7, 2018 Intensive breeding of dogs for laboratories: One Voice files a complaint!

June 14, 2018 The Mézilles dog farm wants to silence us.

September 12, 2018 A first victory for the beagles and golden retrievers confined at Mézilles!

December 5, 2018 In Mézilles, breeding and the state team up against dogs

February 15, 2019 Animal experimentation: One Voice defends its evidence against dog breeding at the Paris Court of Appeal

March 21, 2019 Breeding dogs for animal experimentation: the appalling decision of the court of appeal

May 9, 2019 Mézilles: new hearing and rally for the dogs

September 10, 2019 A resounding victory against the Mézilles kennel


With the support of LAV, IBT, Djurens Rätt, ONG ADDA, Aerzte gegen Tierversuche e.V. Društvo DZZŽ, Forsøgsdyrenes Værn.

Condemn all violence

Condemn all violence

Condemn all violence
Domestic violence
Condemn all violence
Cruelty is blind…
The situation
Cruelty is blind…

It almost always works on animals before attacking humans.

The cases of Griffin and Léa sadly reminded us of this in 2016.

The link is known and already taken into account in many countries. It’s only by condemning violence for what it is, and not for who it’s done to, that we’ll succeed in reducing it.

There have already been too many animal hostages and human victims of the same torturers! Join One Voice’s campaign to have the bond enshrined in French law. Sign our petition and we’ll hand it over to the Minister of Justice. Together, let’s fight violence!

Make a donation

« Complaints lodged against the perpetrators of animal abuse or cruelty are handled by a prosecutor in charge of environmental affairs, not by the prosecutor who deals with violence against humans. However, anyone who commits acts of violence against sentient beings, whether human or non-human, must receive the same penal treatment (sanctions or alternatives to prosecution). It is not the quality of the victim that should determine the penalty, but the nature of the act committed, in this case violence perpetrated against a sentient being. We, the undersigned, support One Voice’s call for the implementation of a penal policy for the protection of animals, with a systematic investigation of complaints and a prosecutor dedicated to violence perpetrated on human and animal sentient beings. »


Cats and dogs: our family

Cats and dogs: our family

Cats and dogs: our family
Cats and dogs: our family
Many believe they are out of danger.
The situation
Many believe they are out of danger.

Yet they remain the object of an impressive number of abuses and acts of cruelty.

Because dogs and cats are our companions, many people believe they are beyond danger. Yet they are not properly protected, and remain the object of an impressive number of maltreatments and acts of cruelty insufficiently punished by the law.

Then there are those who undergo experiments in laboratories. Deprived of everything, they suffer both physically and mentally.

There are those converted into production machines, females with endless litters, and the trafficking that ensues.

There are those who are used as tools, for hunting, security, guarding, competitions, and who are put away or eliminated when they are no longer needed.

There’s educational abuse, supervised in clubs, brutal training sessions. There are electric collars, which even exist for cats, even though we know the traumas they cause.

There are also acts of cruelty, cats drowned or burned alive like Griffin, dogs raped like Léa, and then there are the screams, the blows… and the abandonments. It’s estimated that nearly 10 million cats live and die on the streets!

Dogs and cats are our companions, full-fledged members of our families. Let’s help them with a truly protective legal status!

« Millions of them share our homes. As we know, the intelligence and sensitivity of our millennia-old companions is beyond question, as is the unconditional love they show us. Yet… of all animals, dogs and cats are the most exploited, the most mistreated in many ways: experimentation, trafficking, lifelong confinement for breeding, training for shows, and in the case of dogs, hunting and guarding. Not to mention the mistreatment and cruelty punishable by law but which continue in France: abandonment, fur, fighting, cruelty in some homes. We, the undersigned, urge that the legal status of dogs and cats be changed from that of chattels to that of nonhuman persons. We, as a token of our gratitude to our dog and cat companions. »

One Voice accepts no subsidies. No government or political party can change its ethics, nor affect the integrity of its words. One Voice denounces the exploitation of animals with complete independence and freedom of speech.

One Voice can only turn to you to finance its actions in France and around the world. Together, we are strong and united. Solidarity overcomes all selfishness.