Hunting dogs and dogs training
Danger, trained dogs
We denounce the existence of coercive methods of obedience that are harmful in certain dog training centres. At these centres, individuals come to seek advice on how to establish good human-dog communication, and find themselves having to forcibly subdue their companion.
We have also documented how puppies intended for security and biting competitions are trained the hard way. Puppies and dogs are strangled and beaten, electric collars and spikes are used in profusion, screaming is rampant and the least obedient are discarded.
Humane dog training should be the norm
We encourage humane dog training methods!
All too often, we think that dogs should be made to do as they please, preferably with violence. Nothing could be less effective.

Respect and consideration are the basis of a good relationship with dogs. You also need to be familiar with the behavioural and non-verbal signs specific to this animal species. Affection and exchange are essential to avoid behavioural problems, the risk of biting and, ultimately, a peaceful and beneficial relationship between the dog and the human or family to which it is attached.
Hunting dogs, trained to track other animals.

Considered as material and valued solely on the basis of their productivity, often living in packs and malnourished in order to better pursue the animals that their humans are trying to kill when the hunting horn sounds, hunting dogs undergo specific training and have to live in outdoor kennels, exposed to the elements, and wear a GPS collar that is often electric. Whether they are hounds or small terriers, their fate is no different to that of Malinois or German Shepherds, which are used for security purposes…
Behavioural problems leading to tragedy

How many dogs are used for security or hunting purposes compared with those that have had to be put down because they refused to let them be and defended themselves? How many dogs that are abandoned in shelters are considered potential dangers and cannot be integrated into families with young children? How many are reduced to living in cages or relegated to balconies or car trunks? How many are used as weapons? How many are specifically trafficked and used in dog fights? They are trained to bite, attack and even kill other animals, other dogs…