Animal experimentation Animal experimentation

Animal experimentation

The situation

Tests whose cruelty no longer needs to be proven

Every year, millions of animals are still subjected to painful and stressful experiments in French laboratories, held in tiny cages where they have to endure burns, samples taken, electrodes implanted, various injections, tumours and serious diseases induced, before being killed.

While carefully maintaining total opacity about these practices, the animal experimentation industry maintains constant propaganda claiming that the framework is strict, that the animals do not suffer and that research cannot do without these horrors.

Yet French and European regulations, which are already very minimal, are not even followed properly by the laboratories, which are almost never penalised by the public authorities, even in the event of serious infringement. As for alternatives, while those that do exist are not always used, the development of new animal-free methods and reflection on the ethics of research are largely under-funded.

One Voice cannot tolerate sentient beings being deprived of their prospects of joy and relegated to the status of laboratory equipment. We do not have the right to exploit them in this way, because their lives belong to them.

Our fight

Why are we fighting against animal experimentation?


Since the end of the 1990s, we have been fighting for the closure of the two major French laboratory dog farms in Mézilles and Gannat, now owned by the US company Marshall.


Our fight to abolish the use of primates in experiments concerns the breeders (in particular in Mauritius and Vietnam), the importers (in particular the University of Strasbourg) and the laboratories themselves (whose shameful practices we reveal and whose closure we demand).

Other animals

Our concerns do not stop with large animals. We are also taking action on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of rodents, rabbits and fish, addressing the Ministry of Research directly to demand a ban on particularly cruel projects and the Ministry of Agriculture to press for controls and sanctions.


One of the keys to the fight against animal experimentation is access to information. While the public authorities and the industry resist, we do not hesitate to go to court to obtain inspection reports, images and animal tracking sheets, so that we can better inform the public.

Collectives and advocacy

One Voice represents the European Coalition to End Animal Experiments (ECEAE) and Cruelty Free Europe in France, and is working with a group of French associations to take action within the FC3R Centre.
We are also in dialogue with French and European politicians to get things moving.

Key figures

An alarming fact

vertebrate animals and cephalopods used each year in French laboratories
vertebrate animals and cephalopods used each year in French laboratories
an unknown number of invertebrates used, exploited and killed each year in French laboratories
3 pers. /4
in France are against animal experimentation
9 pers. /10
in France are in favour of transferring public funding from animal experimentation to the development of alternatives.
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Our proposals

  • Draw up a plan for phasing out animal experimentation.
  • Massively fund the development of new animal-free testing and research methods.
  • Achieve real transparency with free access to official documents (and in particular systematic publication of inspection reports).
  • Prohibit "severe" procedures.
  • Include animal rights associations and specialists in alternative methods on project assessment committees.


Discover all our resources on the subject of animal experimentation


Nearly 30 years of fighting and winning against animal experimentation

Expérimentation animale


One Voice is revealing what goes on behind the scenes at NeuroSpin, the Atomic Energy Commission laboratory which has been breaking regulations for over ten years and whose negligence has caused the death of several macaques. We are going to court to demand its closure.

Initiative citoyenne experimentation animale


The European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) Save Cruelty Free Cosmetics, launched by One Voice and its European partners, has obtained 1.2 million valid signatures. The European Commission's response was disappointing and the fight goes on.


After more than 20 years of relentless fighting, One Voice and its partners have succeeded in getting Air France to stop transporting primates to laboratories from June 2023.


The overwhelming majority of the European Parliament votes in favour of phasing out animal testing. In the resolution adopted, MEPs call on the European Commission to draw up an EU-wide action plan to reduce and then eliminate the use of animals in experiments.


Victory in Mézilles. The Dijon administrative court has overturned the prefectoral order authorising the Mézilles dog farm to expand. The beagles and golden retrievers bred there are destined for laboratory experiments. We are continuing to campaign for the closure of this kennel.


One Voice and its partners Cruelty Free International and Soko Tierschutz have obtained justice for Léa, Hugo, Tom, Lisa, Max, Mila and Lucie! The three researchers from the Max Planck Institute in Tübingen (Germany), implicated following our filmed investigation over several months and a joint complaint, have been convicted.


After 17 years of campaigning and fighting, the import and sale of cosmetics whose products or ingredients have been tested on animals has been banned in the European Union. This is a huge victory for One Voice and its ECEAE partners.


One Voice's investigators have brought back shocking images from Cambodia which reveal the horror of monkey farms for laboratories, particularly in France.


One Voice's investigators infiltrate a laboratory that subcontracts cosmetic and chemical testing. There they filmed the nightmare experienced by rabbits, guinea pigs, hamsters, cats and dogs.


One Voice/Talis and a coalition of associations back down a major American group: Marshall Farms abandons its plans to breed 2,000 beagles at Montbeugny.


The first legal release in France was carried out by One Voice/Aequalis, who rescued 36 macaques from a French laboratory, which had undertaken to stop using primates! Placed in the Refuge de l'Arche, they will show that even though they were born captive, they are still monkeys.

Our other battles

The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals
The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals
The situation
Our fight
Key figures
Our proposals