Wolf park in the Sologne region: the investigating commissioner’s condescending opinion
Last December, we voiced our opposition to two projects designed to keep wolves in captivity for profit. One of these projects was to use wolves for corporate seminars. Now that the public inquiry has been completed, the investigating commissioner has issued a favorable opinion, despite a record level of opposition.
1,235 unfavorable opinions for 22 favorable opinions and 3 not applicable, according to the commissioner’s count. Although he acknowledges that “the number of comments is proof of proven opposition to the project” (sic), he nevertheless implies that the opponents were manipulated, having “followed a collective or directives” (sic).
In his view, it is simply inconceivable that the participants would have agreed with the arguments calling into question the park’s objective.
He doesn’t stop there, going so far as to question the validity of the opposition to this program of locking up wolves for paid coaching sessions. Which, as we all know, is a perfectly natural activity for these wild animals… “It seems that unfavorable observations are not explored in depth by anyone. The aspects that come up most often and quite laconically are above all the park’s small size, the lucrative aspect and the general local fright. This permanence of recurring aspects strikes me as rather odd.” (sic)
On the other hand, there was no criticism of the opinions in favor of the project…
Profit, always profit
As for the size of the enclosure – which, let’s not forget, is 4200 square meters for 6 wolves, who in the wild travel several dozen kilometers daily – we need to stop panicking, on the grounds that other zoos offer enclosures of this size, or even smaller! If others do it like that, then… One more, one less, it doesn’t matter.
Profits and entrepreneurial freedom are the main arguments used to validate the project: “[…] if the prefectoral authority authorizes the construction of the wolf park, Cerdon-en-Sologne will have an additional business and Wolf Project customers will be able to benefit from the good restaurant on Argent-sur-Sauldre road and the high class hotel next door.” (sic) So you’ll have a leg of lamb for lunch, before going to be psychoanalyzed by wolves who haven’t asked for anything and don’t know what they’re doing there?…
So much for the animals who will be exploited. Moreover, it is emphasized that they will come from captivity, and not be captured in their natural environment – glad to hear it! So it doesn’t really matter under what conditions they will be taken prisoner.
And to conclude on a high note, you who defend the wolves and are opposed to the project should know that you are “miscreants”, and that it is feared that you will be malicious “towards the company, its organizers, the animals and even the public attending a seminar”. (sic)
It’s now up to the prefecture to decide, and we hope that the prefect will respect the results of this consultation and the opinions of the public.
For our part, we continue, and always will, to oppose the enslavement of animals and to fight so that they can live free and in peace. As far as wolves are concerned, we’re continuing to fight for an end to their extermination. Help us by signing our petition.
The Loiret prefecture has decided: there will be no wolf park at Cerdon.
It’s due to a number of shortcomings. No financial guarantee, an enclosure too small to meet current standards, insufficient skills and knowledge on the part of one of the partners, lack of mandatory training. The prefecture also points out that this project has no scientific basis, the results of which would benefit the better knowledge and conservation of the species.
For Muriel Arnal, President of One Voice, this is a relief:
“Wolves, and animals in general, are not toys to be used by humans for pseudo-scientific projects. We must continue to fight for the preservation of individuals in their natural environments.”