Wild animals in circuses, One Voice answers to the SNVEL
One Voice association was questioned in a written forum by the
National Union of Professional Veterinarians (SNVEL) published on
February 8th, 2018 in la Dépêche Vétérinaire1 (The veterinarian
is thus stated that the purpose of the One Voice Association’s
approach, by seeking the opinions of the national veterinary
authorities on the issue of the presence of wild animals in
travelling circuses, The SNVEL would be opposed to this type of
this regard, the SNVEL states that it does not share the view that
the presence of wild animals in the shows would necessarily be
associated with mistreatment.
is clear from the reading of this communiqué, SNVEL voluntarily
avoided answering the specific question posed to it by the One Voice
association, which is the presence of wild animals in travelling
a group of veterinarians and thus of animal health professionals, the
union can hardly go against the opinions expressed by its own
European and national authorities, by the zoos themselves, or by
independent scientific experts.
association One Voice is also curious to know the scientific criteria
on which the SNVEL has based its opinion relating to the adaptation
of a wild animal to this itinerant spectacle. Professors Jo Dornin,
Steven Harris and Heather Pickett portray the life of animals in
circuses as “lives that are not worth living”.
worryingly still, the SNVEL declares itself opposed to this group of
individuals belonging to that of the wild species in their natural
environment, because of the threat that this group would pose to the
wild species. They don’t even question the harmful consequences
that such unnatural exhibitions can have in terms of public awareness
and education.
One Voice therefore urges SNVEL to assume the
responsibilities incumbent upon it in this fight for the preservation
of species and the cessation of all forms of violence on these
sentient beings and to the common heritage of our planet.
1 « La brêve » – L’instantané N°41 du vendredi 9 Février 2018 de la Dépêche Vétérinaire